Exporting Data from
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To Export Raw Data from Outside an Experiment:
1) Launch DISCOVERY WORKBENCH software.
2) Open the Plate Data History and select the Plates (Tree) or Plates (Table) tab.
3) Locate the run that contains the desired data, and double click to open the run.
4) Go to File Export Data File.
5) Select the type (Default or Custom) and format of the file to export.
6) Browse to select the desired Output Path.
7) Click OK to export the data file as a text file.
To Export Raw Data from within an Experiment:
1) Launch DISCOVERY WORKBENCH software.
2) Open the Plate Data History and select the Experiments tab.
3) Double Click to open the experiment which contains the raw data of interest.
4) Within the open experiment, right click on the experiment name and choose, “Export Data to Text
5) Select the type (Default or Custom) and the format of the file to export.
6) Browse to select the desired Output Path.
7) Set Data Type to ECL Signal (assuming it is the raw data which is being exported).
8) Click OK to export the data file as a text file.
NOTE: In step 7, the Data Type can be set to any collected or calculated parameter, and that
number will be exported in the chosen format(s).
To Export an Experiment from DISCOVERY WORKBENCH:
1) Launch DISCOVERY WORKBENCH software.
2) Open the Plate Data History and select the Experiments tab.
3) Double-click to open the experiment of interest.
4) Within the open experiment, right click on the experiment name and choose, “Export.”
5) A Save As window will open, allowing you to name the experiment you are about to export, browse
to the location where the file will be saved, and to choose the file type (.exp – WORKBENCH 4.0 or
.zip – WORKBENCH 3.0). Click Save.
6) Once the export is complete, a window will pop-up saying, “Export Completed Successfully.”
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v1.4 2013Jan
Moving Results (Analyzed Data) from DISCOVERY WORKBENCH to Excel:
1) Launch DISCOVERY WORKBENCH software.
2) Open the Plate Data History and select the Experiments tab.
3) Double Click to open the Experiment of interest.
4) Within the Experiment tree view, choose the table that contains the data of interest:
a. If you are interested in multiple analytes and multiple sample types, choose the Plate Data
b. If you are interested in multiple plates contained within the same experiment, choose the
Experiment Data Table.
c. If you are interested in one analyte and one sample type, choose the data table for that
analyte and sample type.
5) Double click to open that table.
6) Add or remove columns to format the table as desired and right click on any column header name
and choose copy table to clipboard.
7) Launch Excel and within Excel, choose paste.
8) All the data will now be contained within Excel as numbers, and the data can be further processed,
saved, graphed, or printed.
Creating a PDF Report from an Experiment:
1) Launch DISCOVERY WORKBENCH software.
2) Open the Plate Data History and select the Experiments tab.
3) Double Click to open the Experiment of interest.
4) Right click on the Experiment name and choose Report Selection Mode.
5) Add/remove checkmarks from the various sections to customize the report content.
6) Once the desired information is selected, right click on the Experiment name and choose Save
Report as PDF.
7) A Save As window will appear, allowing you to name and browse to where the report should be
saved. Press Save and a PDF report will be output which contains the desired information.
1) If the raw data is going to be imported into another installation of DISCOVERY WORKBENCH 4.0, then the raw data
needs to be exported in the Default (MSD Bar code) format.
2) If the raw data is going to be imported into an installation of DISCOVERY WORKBENCH 3.0, then the raw data needs
to be exported in the Custom (MSD_3_0_format) format.
3) If the data is going to be shared with another DISCOVERY WORKBENCH user, the easiest way to share data is to
export the Experiment, and allow the other user to import the Experiment. The Experiment not only contains the data,
but also contains the Plate Layout, graphs, and analyzed results.
Exporting Data from