Definition: A cost sheet is a statement which represents the various costs incurred
at different stages of business operations, in a tabular format. It determines the total
cost or expenditure made by the organization, along with the cost incurred on each
unit of a product or service in a particular period. A cost sheet is a report which is
accumulated all of the costs associated with a product or production job. A cost
sheet is used to compile the margin earned on a product or job, and can form the
basis for the setting of prices on similar products in the future.
A Cost Sheet depicts the following facts:
1. Total cost and cost per unit for a product.
2. The various elements of cost such as prime cost, factory
cost, production cost, cost of goods sold, total cost, etc.
3. Percentage of every expenditure to the total cost.
4. Compare the cost of any two periods and ascertain the inefficiencies
if any.
5. Information to management for cost control
6. Calculate and summarize the total cost of the product.
Prime Cost
Works Cost
Cost of Production
Total Cost
The initial cost made for manufacturing a product, i.e., raw material, labour wages and
other production-related expenses, is termed as prime cost.
Following is the equation for computing the prime cost:
Where direct material is calculated with the help of the following formula:
The works cost is calculated by summing up the prime cost with the factory overheads
and simultaneously adjusting the opening and closing stocks of work in progress. It can
be denoted as:
The various indirect overheads incurred at the factory premises can be computed with the help
of the following formula:
Indirect Material
The indirect material includes all the additional items used for manufacturing products,
but not directly contribute as a raw material for the finished goods. It can be anything
like the oil, fuel, coal, stationery items and other factory utilities.
Also, the items which are though directly used for making a product, but are inexpensive
and small, are considered as indirect material. These include thread, pins, cello tape,
nails, nuts, etc.
Indirect Labour
The labour or human resource engaged in all the activities other than manufacturing of
goods or services which are essential to carry out the business and assist the production
operations is called indirect labour.
It includes salary paid to cleaning staff, security staff, drivers, etc.
Indirect Expenses
All the other overheads which are neither directly contributing to the production
operations, nor they can be termed as labour or material expense, are called indirect
These are the expenses made for running the business operations smoothly. These
includes depreciation, rent, electricity, insurance, taxes, repairs and maintenance, etc.
The cost of production includes all the direct and indirect cost, including the material,
labour and other expenses, i.e., production cost, factory cost and office or
administration cost.
The following formula denotes the computation of cost of production:
After making an adjustment of the opening finished goods and the closing finished
goods to the cost of production, we acquire the cost of production of goods sold.
Further, to calculate the cost of production of goods sold, the opening and closing stocks of
finished products are adjusted with the cost of production. Its formula is:
The final value of a product or service can be determined after adding all the selling and
distribution expenses to the cost of production of goods sold. The formula to find out the
total cost or cost of sales is:
If the sales price of the products or service is known, the following method can be used
to determine the profit:
The companies which have their production or manufacturing units along with office
premises and also carry out sales and distribution of goods, require a systematic cost
accounting procedure to determine the cost, profit and sales price.
ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM COST SHEET: The following items are of financial nature and
thus not included while preparing a cost sheet:
1. Cash discount
2. Transfer to reserves
3. Interest paid
4. Donations
5. Preliminary expenses written off
6. Income-tax paid
7. Goodwill written off
8. .Dividend paid
9. Provision for taxation
10. Profit/ loss on sale of fixed assets
11. Provision for bad debts
12.Damages payable at law, etc.
Cost Sheet
Total cost
Cost per
Opening Stock of Direct Raw Materials
Add :
Purchases ... ...
Add :
Carriage Inward ... ...
Add :
Octroi, Customs Duty and other expenses on purchases
... .
Less :
Closing Stock of Direct Raw Materials
Cost of Direct Materials
Direct or Productive Wages ... ...
Direct (or Chargeable) Expenses
Add : Works or Factory Overheads
Indirect Materials
Indirect Wages
Leave Wages
Overtime Premium
Fuel and Power
Factory Rent and Taxes
Factory Lighting
Works Stationery
Canteen and Welfare Expenses
Haulage (the commercial transport of goods)
Works Salaries
Depreciation of Plant & Machinery
Works Expenses
Gas and Water
Technical Fees
Laboratory Expenses
Works Telephone Expenses
Internal Transport Expenses
Less :
Sale of Scrap
Add :
Opening Stock of Work-in-progress
Less :
Closing Stock of Work-in-progress ...
Add : Office and Administrative Overheads
Office Salaries
Director’s Fees
Office Rent and Rates
Office Stationery and Printing
Sundry Office Expenses
Depreciation and Repairs of Office Equipment
Depreciation of Office Furniture
Subscript ion to Trade Journals
Office Lighting
Establishment Charges
Director’s Travelling Expenses
Legal Charges
Audit Fees
Cost of
: Opening Stock of Finished Goods
: Closing Stock of Finished Goods
Cost of
Goods Sold
: Selling and Distribution Overheads
Showroom Expenses
Bad Debts
Salesmen’s Salaries and Expenses
Packing Expenses
Carriage Outward
Commission of Sales Agents
Counting House Salaries
Cost of Catalogues
Expenses of Delivery Vans
Collect ion Charges
Travelling Expenses
In the above format, we have assumed that the cost sheet is being prepared for a month.
However, the period of a cost sheet may vary according to the preference of the
company, i.e., it can be made for a week, a month, a quarter or a year.
We can also determine the rate of profit, with the help of a cost sheet or a cost
statement, if the sales price is known to us.
Cost of Tenders
Warehouse Expenses
Cost of Mailing Literature
Sales Manager’s Salaries
Sales Director’s Fees
Showroom Expenses
Sales Office Expenses
Depreciation and Repairs of Delivery Vans
Expenses of Sales Branches
Cost of Sales (or Total
The following information has been extracted from the books of ABC & Co. for the
month ending January 31, 2019:
Raw Material (as on January 01, 2019)
Work-in-Progress (as on January 01, 2019)
Finished Goods (as on January 01, 2019)
Raw Material (as on January 31, 2019)
Work-in-Progress (as on January 31, 2019)
Finished Goods (as on January 31, 2019)
Material Purchased
Carriage Inward for Raw Material
Material destroyed by fire
Productive Wages
Wages of Storekeeper
Depreciation on Machinery
Factory Rent
Electricity Bill of Factory
Renovation of Factory Premises
Machinery Repairs and Maintenance
Office Cleaning
Depreciation on Office Computers
Office Telephone Bill
Office Manager's Salary
Prepare a cost sheet from the above data, showing:
Prime cost
Works cost
Cost of production
Total Cost
Profit or loss, if the sales amounted to Rs. 661800.
that, 13236 units were manufactured in January 2019.
Office Stationery
Fuel in Office Car
Legal Charges
Salesperson Salary
Warehouse Rent
Freight Outwards
Depreciation of Delivery Van
Showroom Rent and Taxes
Definition: A cost sheet is a statement which represents the various costs incurred
at different stages of business operations, in a tabular format. It determines the total
cost or expenditure made by the organization, along with the cost incurred on each
unit of a product or service in a particular period. A cost sheet is a report which is
accumulated all of the costs associated with a product or production job. A cost
sheet is used to compile the margin earned on a product or job, and can form the
basis for the setting of prices on similar products in the future.
A Cost Sheet depicts the following facts:
1. Total cost and cost per unit for a product.
2. The various elements of cost such as prime cost, factory
cost, production cost, cost of goods sold, total cost, etc.
3. Percentage of every expenditure to the total cost.
4. Compare the cost of any two periods and ascertain the inefficiencies
if any.
5. Information to management for cost control
6. Calculate and summarize the total cost of the product.
Prime Cost
Works Cost
Cost of Production
Total Cost
The initial cost made for manufacturing a product, i.e., raw material, labour wages and
other production-related expenses, is termed as prime cost.
Following is the equation for computing the prime cost:
Where direct material is calculated with the help of the following formula:
The works cost is calculated by summing up the prime cost with the factory overheads
and simultaneously adjusting the opening and closing stocks of work in progress. It can
be denoted as:
The various indirect overheads incurred at the factory premises can be computed with the help
of the following formula:
Indirect Material
The indirect material includes all the additional items used for manufacturing products,
but not directly contribute as a raw material for the finished goods. It can be anything
like the oil, fuel, coal, stationery items and other factory utilities.
Also, the items which are though directly used for making a product, but are inexpensive
and small, are considered as indirect material. These include thread, pins, cello tape,
nails, nuts, etc.
Indirect Labour
The labour or human resource engaged in all the activities other than manufacturing of
goods or services which are essential to carry out the business and assist the production
operations is called indirect labour.
It includes salary paid to cleaning staff, security staff, drivers, etc.
Indirect Expenses
All the other overheads which are neither directly contributing to the production
operations, nor they can be termed as labour or material expense, are called indirect
These are the expenses made for running the business operations smoothly. These
includes depreciation, rent, electricity, insurance, taxes, repairs and maintenance, etc.
The cost of production includes all the direct and indirect cost, including the material,
labour and other expenses, i.e., production cost, factory cost and office or
administration cost.
The following formula denotes the computation of cost of production:
After making an adjustment of the opening finished goods and the closing finished
goods to the cost of production, we acquire the cost of production of goods sold.
Further, to calculate the cost of production of goods sold, the opening and closing stocks of
finished products are adjusted with the cost of production. Its formula is:
The final value of a product or service can be determined after adding all the selling and
distribution expenses to the cost of production of goods sold. The formula to find out the
total cost or cost of sales is:
If the sales price of the products or service is known, the following method can be used
to determine the profit:
The companies which have their production or manufacturing units along with office
premises and also carry out sales and distribution of goods, require a systematic cost
accounting procedure to determine the cost, profit and sales price.
ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM COST SHEET: The following items are of financial nature and
thus not included while preparing a cost sheet:
1. Cash discount
2. Transfer to reserves
3. Interest paid
4. Donations
5. Preliminary expenses written off
6. Income-tax paid
7. Goodwill written off
8. .Dividend paid
9. Provision for taxation
10. Profit/ loss on sale of fixed assets
11. Provision for bad debts
12. Damages payable at law, etc.
Cost Sheet
Units produced........
Total cost
Cost per unit
In the above format, we have assumed that the cost sheet is being prepared for a month.
However, the period of a cost sheet may vary according to the preference of the
company, i.e., it can be made for a week, a month, a quarter or a year.
We can also determine the rate of profit, with the help of a cost sheet or a cost
statement, if the sales price is known to us.
The following information has been extracted from the books of ABC & Co. for the
month ending January 31, 2019:
Raw Material (as on January 01, 2019)
Work-in-Progress (as on January 01, 2019)
Finished Goods (as on January 01, 2019)
Raw Material (as on January 31, 2019)
Work-in-Progress (as on January 31, 2019)
Finished Goods (as on January 31, 2019)
Material Purchased
Carriage Inward for Raw Material
Material destroyed by fire
Productive Wages
Wages of Storekeeper
Depreciation on Machinery
Factory Rent
Electricity Bill of Factory
Renovation of Factory Premises
Machinery Repairs and Maintenance
Office Cleaning
Depreciation on Office Computers
Office Telephone Bill
Office Manager's Salary
Office Stationery
Fuel in Office Car
Legal Charges
Salesperson Salary
Warehouse Rent
Freight Outwards
Depreciation of Delivery Van
Showroom Rent and Taxes
Prepare a cost sheet from the above data, showing:
Prime cost
Works cost
Cost of production
Total Cost
Profit or loss, if the sales amounted to Rs. 661800.
Note that, 13236 units were manufactured in January 2019.
Cost Allocation, Apportionment
and Absorption of Overheads
Learning Objectives
To understand and apply the cost concepts
Cost Allocation
Apportionment of Overheads
Absorption of Overheads
The objective of Cost Accounting is
recording an appropriate allocation of
for the
determination of the costs of
products or services
, and for the
presentation of
suitably arranged data
for the
purpose of control
and guidance of management
Cost Allocation
When items of cost are identifiable directly with some products or departments
such costs are charged to cost centres. This process is known as cost
It is the charging of discrete, identifiable items of cost to cost centres or cost
It is complete distribution of an item of overhead to the departments or
products on logical or equitable basis is called allocation.
Where a cost can be clearly identified with a cost centre or cost unit, then it can
be allocated to that particular cost centre or unit.
Allocation is the process by which cost items are charged directly to a cost unit
or cost centre.
Cost allocation calls for two basic factors –
Concerned department/product should have caused the cost to be
Exact amount of cost should be computable.
Cost Allocation- Examples
Electricity charges can be allocated to various departments if separate meters
are installed
Depreciation of machinery can be allocated to various departments as the
machines can be identified
Salary of stores clerk can be allocated to stores department Cost of coal used in
boiler can be directly allocated to boiler house division. Wages paid to workers of
service department can be allocated to the particular department.
Indirect materials used by a particular department can also be allocated to the
Thus allocation is a direct process of identifying overheads to cost units or
centres. So the term allocation means allotment of whole item of cost to
particular cost centre or cost object without any division
Cost Apportionment
Cost Apportionment is the allotment of proportions of items to cost
When items of cost can not directly charge to or accurately identifiable with
any cost centres, they are prorated or distributed amongst the cost
centres on some predetermined basis. This method is known as cost
Wherever possible, the overheads are to be allocated. However, if it is not
possible to charge the overheads to a particular cost centre or cost unit,
they are to be apportioned to various departments on some suitable
basis. This process is called as ‘Apportionment’ of overheads.
Items of indirect costs residual to the process of cost allocation are covered
by cost apportionment.
The predetermination of suitable basis of apportionment is very important
and usually following principles are adopted- (i) Service or use (ii) Survey
method (iii) Ability to bear.
Cost Apportionment
The basis for apportionment is normally predetermined and is decided after
a careful study of relationships between the base and the other variables
within the organisation.
A lot of quantitative information has to be collected and constantly updated
or periodically reviewed to improve upon the accuracy of apportionment.
The basis selected should be applied consistently to avoid faults. The basis
ultimately adopted should ensure an equitable share of common
expenses for the cost centres
In simple words, distribution of various items of overheads in portions to the
departments or products on logical or equitable basis is called
Apportionment of overhead
Apportionment of overhead costs means to divide
total cost of overhead among different departments or
branches or cost centers of a company.
We need the steps of apportionment of overhead
costs when there are many departments or cost centers
of any company because when we know the overhead
cost of each department, we can find the total cost of
With this, we can compare the revenue of each
department with their total cost.
Then take decisions relating to particular department. 8
How to Apportion Overhead Costs
Step :
To Classify the Cost Centers
• Cost Centers should be classified into
production department and service
To Divide Total Overhead on Different Basis
of Apportionment
• One of best step to apportion overhead
costs is to know the basis of apportionment
of overhead expenses and then to use them.
• All overhead will be allocated to the
different department.
Basis for Overhead Apportionment
Overheads common to all these departments
Apportioned on some suitable basis
Rent, rates & taxes
Floor space occupied by each department , office, factory
Repair to Plant or Department,
Depreciation on office building
Plant or Department's Value or any asset's
Floor space occupied by each department
For Legal fees
No of cases handled as the basis
For Salaries of common staff
Ratio of salaries of departments as the basis
For Typist pool
No of documents typed as the basis
For General Lighting and electricity
No. of light points or Area or Units of Sub-meter in each Department
For Telephones
No. of extensions in a department
For Material handling
No. of material requisitions or Value of material issued
H.P. Of Plant
Supervision, Employer's liability
No. of Employees
Fire Insurance
Value of Stock in any Department
Indirect Labour Cost
Total duty hours in any department
Canteen Service Cost and other welfare expenses
No. of Employees in Any Department
Transport Cost
No. of boxes or containers or weight of containers, hours of
spending vehicle in any department
Total rent is Rs. 5000.
Area of production department is
A 100 Sq. foot.
B 200 Sq. foot.
C 700 Sq. foot.
Now total ratio of A : B : C is 1 : 2 : 7
Total Rent Expense of
A Department will be = 5000 X 1 /10 = Rs. 500
B Department will be = 5000 X 2 / 10 = Rs. 1000
C Department will be = 5000 X 7 / 10 = Rs. 3500
So, Total overhead cost will be apportioned to different department on
some basis. Basis of Rent apportionment is the area of department
Distinction between
Allocation & Apportionment
Although the purpose of both allocation and apportionment
is identical, i.e to identify or allot the costs to the cost
centres or cost unit, both are not the same.
Allocation deals with the whole items of cost and
apportionment deals with proportion of items of cost.
Allocation is direct process of departmentalization of
overheads, where as apportionment needs a suitable basis for
sub-division of the cost.
Whether a particular item of expense can be allocated or
apportioned does not depends on the nature of expense,
but depends on the relation with the cost centre or cost
unit to which it is to be charged.
Principles of Apportionment of
Overhead Cost
1. Services
production department which receives maximum services from
service departments should be charged with the largest share of
the overheads.
• Accordingly, the overheads of service departments are charged
to the production departments.
2. Ability
to Pay
large share of service department’s overhead costs should be
assigned to those producing departments whose product
contributes the most to the income of the business firm.
However the practical difficulty in this method is that, it is
difficult to decide the most paying department and hence
difficult to operate.
Principles of Apportionment of
Overhead Cost
3. Survey
or Analysis
• This method is used where a suitable base is difficult to find or it
would be too costly to select a method which is considered
• For example, the postage cost could be apportioned on a survey
of postage used during a year.
• The apportionment of expenses is made on the basis of
production targets.
• If the target is exceeded, the unit cost reduces indicating a more
than average efficiency.
• If the target is not achieved, the unit cost goes up, disclosing
there by, the inefficiency of the department.
A factory has 3 production departments (P1, P2, P3) and 2 service
departments (S1 & S2). The following overheads & other information are
extracted from the books for the month of January 2012.
Fire Insurance for
ESI contribution
Area sq ft
No. of
Value of plan
54,000 48,0
Stock Value
Allocate or apportion the overheads among the various departments on suitable basis.
The primary distribution of overheads is as follows
Horse power
of plant
(Area sq ft)
(Plant value)
(Plant value)
Cost Absorption
The ultimate aim of Overhead Accounting is to absorb them in the product units
produced by the firm.
(Area sq ft)
(No of workers )
Fire Insurance
for stock
(Stock Value)
ESI contribution
(Horse power
of plant)
Thus, the indirect costs or overhead will have to be distributed over the final
products so that the charge is complete.
This process is known as cost absorption or ‘Absorption’ of overheads It means
costs is absorbed by the production (or product units )during the period or charging
each unit of a product with an equitable share of overhead expenses. Usually any of
the following methods are adopted for cost absorption- Direct Material Cost
Direct Labour Cost Percentage
Prime Cost Percentage
Direct Labour Hour Rate Method
Machine Hour Rate, etc.
Absorption’ of overheads
Accurate absorption will help in arriving at accurate
cost of production.
Overheads are indirect costs and hence there are
numerous difficulties in charging the overheads to the
product units.
The basis should be selected after careful maximum
accuracy of Cost Distribution to various production
The basis should be reviewed periodically and
corrective action whatever needed should be taken for
improving upon the accuracy of the absorption.
Under-absorption and Over
absorption of Overhead
Certain expenses may be
direct expenses for certain
costs centres but they are
indirect for the production
departments. These do not
form part of prime cost, but
absorbed as overheads.
The amount of overhead
absorbed in costs is the sum
total of the overhead costs
allotted to individual cost
units by application of the
When a
predetermined rate worked out
the basis of
anticipated or budgeted
base is applied to the actual
, the amount
absorbed may not be identical with the
amount of overhead expenses incurred if
either the actual base or the actual expenses
or both deviate from the estimates or the
overhead rate.
Under-absorption and Over
absorption of Overhead
If the amount absorbed is less than
the amount incurred , the
difference denotes under
It is also termed as 'under recovery'
It may be due to
Actual expenses exceeding the
estimate; and / or
Output or the hours worked may
be less than the estimate
If the amount absorbed is more
than the expenditure incurred
this would indicate
over-absorption, which goes
to inflate the costs.
Over-absorption is also formed
as 'over recovery'.
It may be due to
Expense being less than
estimate; and / or
Output or hours worked may be
exceeding the estimate
Under Costing and Over
Costing Restaurant bill for most recent get
Product under Absorption: A product consumes a high level of
resources but is reported to have a low cost per unit (Joe’s
Rs 600
Rs 40
Product Over Absorption: A product consumes a low level of
resources but is reported to have a high cost per unit (Annie’s
Causes of Under or Over Absorption of
Error in estimating overhead expenses.
Error in estimating the level of production, i.e
the base.
Major unanticipated changes in the methods
of production.
Unforeseen changes in the production
Seasonal fluctuations in the overhead
expenses from period to period.
Overhead rate may be applied to the Normal
Capacity which may be less than the full
operating capacity of the undertaking.
if the overheads absorbed on a
predetermined basis are Rs
But the actual overheads
incurred are Rs. 1, 20,000,
There is under-absorption to the
extent of Rs.20, 000.
If the overhead rate is
predetermined to be $20 per
direct labor hour consumed
But the actual amount should
have been $18 per hour
Then the $2 difference is
considered to be over
absorbed overhead.
What are the strategic consequences of
product under costing and over costing?
Undercosted products –
demand-lowering profits
Overpricing-products lose
market share to competitors
producing similar products
Product over-costing and
under-costing leads to
managerial attention to
wrong products
Methods of Overhead Absorption
Direct Material Cost Method
Actual Overhead Cost / Direct Material Cost X
Direct Labour Cost Method
Actual Overhead Cost / Direct Labour Cost X 100
Prime Cost Method
Budgeted Overhead Expenses / Anticipated
Prime Cost
Direct Labour Hour Method
Overhead Cost / Direct labour Hours
Rate Per Unit of Production Method
Budgeted Overhead Cost / Budgeted Units of
Sales Price Method
Budgeted Overhead Expenses / Sales of Units of
Machine Hour Rate Method
Total Overhead Cost / Total Machine Hours
Example: Direct Material Cost
The past actual direct material's cost is Rs. 10,000
The past actual overhead cost is Rs. 2000.
So, calculate the rate of overhead on the basis of
past actual direct material and past actual overheads
Hence, Overhead rate will be 20%.
(2000/10,000*100) If we have obtained any specific
order for producing any product, we will include the
20% cost of overhead. Example:
Suppose we have produced one unit for our customer for this
and have used our Rs. 1000 material.
Our overhead cost in it will be Rs. 1000 X 20% = Rs. 200. 26
Example: Direct Labour Cost Method
The past actual direct wage's cost is Rs. 10,000
The past actual overhead cost is Rs. 2000. So,
Overhead rate will be 20%.
If we have obtained any specific order for producing
any product, we will include the 20% cost of overhead.
Suppose we have produced one unit for our customer
for this, we have paid Rs. 1000 to our laborers for their
Our overhead cost in it will be Rs. 1000 X 20% = Rs. 200.
Allocation and apportionment of overheads and
then absorption of overheads helps for finding
total cost of production for better decision
making for cost control and cost reduction.
Cost Accounting: Cost accounting is the classifying, recording and appropriate
allocation of expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or services.
Cost Accounting is a business practice in which we record, examine, summarize,
and study the company’s cost spent on any process, service, product or anything
else in the organization. This helps the organization in cost controlling and making
strategic planning and decision on improving cost efficiency. It includes the
ascertainment of the cost of every order, job, contract, process, service or unit as
may be appropriate. It deals with the cost of production, selling and distribution.
Definition of cost accounting:
Cost Accounting may be regarded as “a specialized branch of accounting which
involves classification, accumulation, assignment and control of costs.”
The costing terminology of C.I.M.A, London defines cost accounting as “the
process of accounting for costs from the point at which expenditure is incurred or
committed to the establishment of its ultimate relationship with cost centers and
cost units. In its widest usage, it embraces the preparation of statistical data, the
application of cost control methods and the ascertainment of profitability of
activities carried out or planned”.
Wheldon defines cost accounting as “classifying, recording and appropriate
allocation of expenditure for determination of costs of products or services and for
the presentation of suitably arranged data purposes of control and guidance of
management”. It is thus a formal mechanism by means of which costs of products
or services are ascertained and controlled.
Objectives of Cost Accounting:
Cost accounting aims at systematic recording of expenses and analysis of the same
so as to ascertain the cost of each product manufactured or service rendered by an
organization. Information regarding cost of each product or service would enable
the management to know where to economize on costs, how to fix prices, how to
maximize profits and so on. Thus, the main objectives of cost accounting are the
1. To analyse and classify all expenditure with reference to the cost of products and
2. To arrive at the cost of production of every unit, job, operation, process,
department or service and to develop cost standard.
3. To indicate to the management any inefficiencies and the extent of various forms
of waste, whether of materials, time, expenses or in the use of machinery,
equipment and tools. Analysis of the causes of unsatisfactory results may indicate
remedial measures.
4. To provide data for periodical profit and loss accounts and balance sheets at
such intervals, e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly as may be desired by the
management during the financial year, not only for the whole business but also by
departments or individual products. Also, to explain in detail the exact reasons for
profit or loss revealed in total in the profit and loss accounts.
5. To reveal sources of economies in production having regard to methods, types of
equipment, design, output and layout. Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly
information may be necessary to ensure prompt constructive action.
6. To provide actual figures of costs for comparison with estimates and to serve as
a guide for future estimates or quotations and to assist the management in their
price fixing policy.
7. To show, where Standard Costs are prepared, what the cost of production ought
to be and with which the actual costs which are eventually recorded may be
8. To present comparative cost data for different periods and various volume of
output and to provide guidance in the development of business. This is also helpful
in budgetary control.
9. To record the relative production results of each unit of plant and machinery in
use as a basis for examining its efficiency. A comparison with the performance of
other types of machines may suggest the necessity for replacement.
10. To provide a perpetual inventory of stores and other materials so that interim
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet can be prepared without stock taking
and checks on stores and adjustments are made at frequent intervals. Also to
provide the basis for production planning and for avoiding unnecessary wastages
or losses of materials and stores.
Scope of Cost accounting:
Cost accounting refers to the process of determining the cost of a particular product or activity. It
provides useful data both for internal and external reports reporting.
Cost Determination:
This is the first step in the cost accounting system. It refers to determining
the cost for a specific product or activity. This is a critical activity since the other three activities,
explained below, depend on it.
Cost Recording:
Its is concerned with recording of costs in the cost journal and their subsequent
posting to the ledger. Cost recording may be done according to integral or non-integral system a
separate set of books is maintained for costing and financial transactions.
Cost Analyzing:
It is concerned with critical evaluation of cost information to assist the
management in planning and controlling the business activates. Meaningful cost analysis
depends largely upon the clear understanding of the cost finding methods used in cost
The link between Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting
Cost accounting is about determining the cost of providing a service or physical
product. Once you know your cost, you can decide where you want to price your
product/service. (Or perhaps whether you want to provide it at all given the market
Financial accounting tends to be concerned with reporting to external stakeholders
(banks, shareholders, major suppliers etc.). As a result, financial accounts are prepared
in keeping with regulated standards which are often very detail oriented.
Management accounting is about providing information to managers that assists them
to make the best decisions about managing the business. Part of this is minimising the
delay between the activity and the reporting. Accuracy is often traded for timeliness,
and the analysis and commentary on the numbers are paramount. The management
accountant performs a type of “translation” service between the numbers and the
operations focused managers.
Difference Between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting is an
accounting system,
through which an
organization keeps the
track of various costs
Financial Accounting is an
accounting system that
captures the records of
financial information about
the business to show the
incurred in the business
in production activities.
correct financial position of
the company at a particular
Information type
Records the information
related to material, labor
and overhead, which are
used in the production
Records the information
which is in monetary terms.
Which type of cost
is used for
Both historical and
pre-determined cost
Only historical cost.
Information provided by
the cost accounting is
used only by the internal
management of the
organization like
employees, directors,
managers, supervisors
Users of information
provided by the financial
accounting are internal and
external parties like
creditors, shareholders,
customers etc.
Valuation of Stock
At cost
Cost or Net Realizable
Value, whichever is less.
No, except for
manufacturing firms it is
Yes for all firms.
Time of Reporting
Details provided by cost
accounting are frequently
prepared and reported to
the management.
Financial statements are
reported at the end of the
accounting period, which is
normally 1 year.
Profit Analysis
Generally, the profit is
analyzed for a particular
product, job, batch or
Income, expenditure and
profit are analyzed together
for a particular period of the
whole entity.
Difference Between Cost Accounting and Management Accounting
Reducing and controlling
Keeping complete record of
the financial transactions.
Forecasting is possible
through budgeting
Forecasting is not at all
The recording,
classifying and
summarising of cost data
of an organisation is
known as cost
The accounting in which the
both financial and
non-financial information are
provided to managers is
known as Management
Information Type
Quantitative and Qualitative.
Ascertainment of cost of
Providing information to
managers to set goals and
forecast strategies.
Concerned with
allocation, distribution
and accounting aspects
of cost.
Impart and effect aspect of
Code of Ethics
Integrity: A professional accountant should be straightforward and honest
in all professional and business relationships.
Objectivity: A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of
interest or undue influence of others
Professional Competence and Due Care: Members are duty bound
to carry out professional work with care and skill and in conformity
with the technical and professional standards prescribed by the
related professional body or legislation of the country. Members are
to accept professional work only within their professional.
Confidentiality: A professional accountant should respect the
confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and
Records past and
present data
It gives more stress on the
analysis of future projections.
Short range planning
Short range and long range
Can be installed without
Cannot be installed without
cost accounting.
business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third
parties without proper and specific authority unless there is a legal or
professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a
result of professional and business relationships should not be used for the
personal advantage of the professional accountant or third parties.
Professional Behavior: A professional accountant should comply with the
relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any action that discredits the
Cost Audit
Meaning and Definitions:
Cost Audit is a critical review undertaken to verify the correctness of Cost
Accounts and to check that cost accounting principles and planning have been
efficiently followed. It is noteworthy that India is the only country which has
introduced statutory cost audit to regulate about 45 vital industries of the country.
Cost Audit has been defined by the Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (CIMA) of Landon as “the verification of cost accounts and a check
on the adherence to the cost accounting plan.”
CWAI defines Statutory Cost Audit as a “system of audit introduced by the
Government of India for the review, examination and appraisal of the cost
accounting records and added information required to be maintained by the
specified industries”.
Objectives of Cost Audit
1. General objectives,
2. Social objectives.
General objectives of Cost Audit
The general objectives of cost audit can be enlisted as follows:
1. Detection of errors and frauds.
2. Verification of the adequacy of the books of accounts and the accounting
3. Correct valuation of work-in-progress.
4. Verification of the total cost of each product, process, operation, and job.
5. Verification of inter-company transactions and the reasonableness of the price
charged for inter-company transfers.
6. Providing assistance to the management by bringing out the deficiencies to its
notice and thereby avoid inefficient use of resources like capital, labour, raw
material, etc
Social Objectives of Cost Audit
The cost audit has certain well-defined social objectives, which are as follows:
1. Protection of the interest of the investors and other shareholders.
2. Efficient utilization of resources.
3. Ensuring quality of the functioning of the corporate management.
4. Overall improvement in the socioeconomic structure.
Advantages of Cost Accounting
1. Elimination of Wastes, Losses and Inefficiencies
A good cost accounting system eliminates wastes, losses and inefficiencies by
fixing standard for everything.
2. Cost Reduction
New and improved methods of production are followed under cost accounting
system. It leads to cost reduction.
3. Identify the reasons for Profit or Loss
A good cost accounting system highlights the reasons for increasing or decreasing
profit. If so, the management can take remedial action to maintain profitability of
the concern. There is no possibility of shutting down of any product or process or
4. Advises on Make or Buy Decision
On the basis of cost information, the management can decide whether make or buy
a product in open market. The management can rightly choose the best out of many
alternatives. Sometimes, spare capacity can be used profitably.
5. Price Fixation
The total cost of a product is available in the costing records. It is highly useful for
price fixation of a product.
6. Cost Control
Budgets are prepared and standards are fixed under cost accounting system. The
expenses are not permitted beyond the budget amount. The actual performance is
compared with standard to find the variation. If there is any variation, reasons are
find out and the management can exercise control. Period to period cost
comparison also helps cost control.
7. Assist the Government
Government can collect reasonable tax from the company and exercise price
8. Fixation of Responsibility
Responsibility centers are fixed under cost accounting system. If responsibility is
fixed, it becomes difficult to evade responsibility of performance and leads to
effective performance.
9. Helps to Prepare Financial Accounts
The information like value of closing materials, work in progress and finished
goods are necessary to prepare financial accounts. This information is supplied by
the costing records and helps to prepare financial accounts without any further
10. Prevention of Frauds
Introducing cost audit can prevent frauds. If so, correct and reliable data was
available from the costing records which are highly useful to the government, share
holders, the creditors and the like.
Limitations of Cost Accounting
1.The cost of previous year is not same in the succeeding year. Hence, cost data
are not highly useful.
2. The cost is ascertained on the basis of full utilization of capacity. If capacity
is partly utilized, the cost may not be true.
3.Installation of Cost Accounting Systemrequires the maintenance of many
costing records. If results in heavy expenditure.
4. Delay in receiving costing information does not result in taking quality
decision by the management.
5. Rigid Cost Accounting System does not serve all purposes.
6. Cost Accounting fails to solve the problems relating to work study, time and
motion study and operation research.
7. Financial character expenses are not included for cost calculation. Hence, the
calculated cost is not correct always.
Concept of Cost:
According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, cost
is “the amount of expenditure (actual or notional) incurred on or
attributable to a specified thing or activity.” Similarly, according to
Anthony and Wilsch “cost is a measurement in monetary terms of
the amount of resources used for some purposes.”
cost means the total of all expenses incurred for a product or a service.
Classification of Cost:
Classification of costs implies the process of grouping costs according to
their common characteristics. A proper classification of costs is absolutely
necessary to mention the costs with cost centers. Usually, costs are
classified according to their nature, viz., material, labour, over-head, among
The following chart shows the various elements of cost and how they are
Direct or Indirect Materials
The materials directly contributed to a product and those easily identifiable in the
finished product are called direct materials. For example, paper in books, wood in
furniture, plastic in water tank, and leather in shoes are direct materials. They are
also known as high-value items. Other lower cost items or supporting material
used in the production of any finished product are called indirect material. For
example, nails in shoes or furniture.
Direct Labour
Any wages paid to workers or a group of workers which may directly co-relate to
any specific activity of production, supervision, maintenance, transportation of
material, or product, and directly associate in conversion of raw material into
finished goods are called direct labor. Wages paid to trainee or apprentices does
not comes under category of direct labor as they have no significant value.
Overheads are classified as:
Production or manufacturing overheads
Administrative expenses
Selling Expenses
Distribution expenses
Research and development expenses
Cost, Costing and Cost Accountancy
Cost, costing, and cost accounting, are normally used interchangeably but
they are not synonyms of each other. The meaning of these terms is related
and similar but there are differences.
Cost is a sacrificed resource to obtain something.
Costing is a process of determining costs. It may be called a technique for
ascertaining the cost of production of any product or service in the business
Cost accounting is a technique to assist management in establishing various
budgets, standards; etc Cost Accounting is basically the next step to costing.
Cost accounting involves the preparation of various budgets for an
organization, determining standard costs based on technical estimates,
finding and comparing with actual costs, ascertaining the reasons of
by variance analysis etc.
Cost Centre
A cost centre is a type of responsibility centre that is called accountable for the
incurrence of the costs, which are under its control. Cost centers are
typical business units that incur costs but only indirectly contribute
to revenue generation. cost center is an organizational subunit that incurs cost but
does not directly contribute to the company’s profits. In fact, a cost center may
not generate any revenues at all.
For example, company’s legal department, accounting department, research and
development, advertising, marketing, and customer service a cost center. The
managers in charge of these departments can control and contain costs – and they
are evaluated on their ability to control and contain costs.
Cost Unit
A cost unit refers to the unit of quantity of product, service or time (or
combination of these) in relation to which costs may be ascertained or
expressed. While preparing cost statements and accounts, a specific measurement
unit is required to be chosen, so as to identify the expenses accurately and allocate
the cost conveniently and in this way, cost unit comes into the picture. A cost unit is
unit of a product or a service to which production costs can be traced. It is
important to identify cost unit in order to properly charged the costs incurred in
every production processes.
For example,
Metre or Kilometre
Cable, Rope, Road Construction, Wire
Iron and steel, Sugar, Cement, Mines and
Litre, Kilogram, Tonne
Cubic Metre
Gas, Casting
Square Metre
Metal Plating,
Unit IV -Labour cost
Labour cost is a significant element of cost specially in an organisation using
more manual operations. It is the cost of human endeavour in the product and
requires coordinated efforts for its control. The management objective of keeping
labour cost as low as possible is achieved by balancing productivity with wages.
Low labour cost is possible by giving substantial increase in wages against
corresponding increase in productivity.
Labour cost is a vital factor not only affecting the cost of production but also
industrial relations of the organization. No organization can expect to attract and
attain qualified and motivated employees unless it pays them fair remuneration.
Employee remuneration therefore influences vitally the growth and profitability of
the company. For employees remuneration is more than a means of satisfying their
physical needs.
Classification of labour cost
The total labour cost can be classified as follows:
(a) Direct labour costs:-
Direct labour cost is that portion of wages or salaries which can be identified with
and charged to a single costing unit. It can be easily identified with and charged to
a single costing unit as there is a direct relationship with the product/process.
Direct labour cost can be easily calculated and is quite significant in amount.
(b) Indirect labour costs:-
It refers to labour expended that does not alter the construction, conformation,
composition or condition of the product, but which contributes generally to such
work and to the completion of the product and its progressive movement and
handling up to the point of dispatch. In other words, labour employed for the
purpose of carrying out tasks incidental to goods produced or services provided is
regarded as indirect labour. Wages or salaries paid to foremen, supervisors,
inspectors, clerks, store-keepers, managers, accountants, salesmen, directors, etc.,
are examples of indirect labour cost..
Labour Turnover
Definition: Labour turnover can be defined as the overall change in the number of
people employed in a business entity during a particular period. It takes into
consideration the number of exiting personnel, new joinees and the total number of
workers as listed in the payroll at the end of a given period.
It is a common feature in any concern that some employees leave the concern and
others join it. Workers
change the job either for personal betterment or for better working conditions or
due to compulsion. Labour turnover is the ratio of the number of persons leaving in
a period to the average number employed. It is the change in the composition of the
labour force in an organisation.
It can be measured by relating the
engagements and losses in the labour force to the total number employed at the
beginning of the period. All the losses must be taken into account regardless of the
cause for leaving.
Causes of labour turnover:
The main causes of labour turnover in an organisation/industry can be broadly
classified under the following three heads:
a. Personal Causes
b. Unavoidable Causes, and
c. Avoidable Causes
(a) Personal causes are those which induce or compel workers to leave their jobs such
includes the following:
i. Change of jobs for betterment.
ii. Premature retirement due to ill health or old age.
iii. Domestic problems and family responsibilities.
iv. Discontentment over the jobs and working environment.
In all the above cases the employee leaves the organisation at his will and, therefore, it is
difficult to
suggest any possible remedy in the first three cases. But the last one can be overcome by creating
conditions leading to a healthy working environment. For this, officers should play a positive
role and
make sure that their subordinates work under healthy working conditions.
(b) Unavoidable causes are those under which it becomes obligatory on the part of
management to
ask some or more of their employees to leave the organisation, such causes are summed up
listed below :
i. Seasonal nature of the business;
ii. Shortage of raw materials, power, slack market for the product etc :
iii. Change in the plant location;
iv. Disability, making a worker unfit for work;
v. Disciplinary measures;
vi. Marriage (generally in the case of women).
(c) Avoidable causes are those which require the attention of management on
a continuous basis
so as to keep the labour turnover ratio as low as possible. The main causes
under this case are
indicated below;
i. Dissatisfaction with job, remuneration, hours of work, working conditions, etc
ii. Strained relationship with management, supervisors or follow workers;
iii. Lack of training facilities and promotional avenues;
iv. Lack of recreational and medical facilities;
v. Low wages and allowances.
Proper and timely management actions reduce the labour turnover appreciably so
far as avoidable
causes are concerned.
Effects of Labour Turnover
It increases cost of production due to the following reasons:
(i) Cost of selecting/replacing workers
(ii) Cost of training imparted to new workers
(iii) Production planning cannot be properly executed and this results in production
(iv) Loss due to defectives and wastage
(v) Loss due to mishandling of tools, equipments, breakages, etc.
Materials cost – unit III
Materials: - The materials are a major part of the total cost of producing
a product and are one of the most important assets in majority of the
business enterprises. Hence the total cost of a product can be controlled
and reduced by efficiently using materials.
The materials are of two types, namely:
(i) Direct materials: The materials which can be easily identified and
attributable to the individual units being manufactured are known
as direct materials. These materials also form part of finished
products. All costs which are incurred to obtain direct materials are
known as direct material costs.
(ii) (ii) Indirect materials: Indirect materials, on the other hand, are
those materials which are of small value such as nuts, pins, screws,
etc. and do not physically form part of the finished product. Costs
associated with indirect materials are known as indirect material
Meaning of material control (EEE economy, efficiency and
Material control can be defined as a comprehensive framework for
the accounting and control of material cost designed with the
object of maintaining material supplies at a level so as to ensure a
uninterrupted production but at the same time minimising
investment of funds in material. In simple Inventory control is the
systematic control and regulation of purchase, storage and usage of
materials in such a way as to maintain an even flow of production
and at the same time avoiding excessive investment in materials
Material control is accomplished through functional organisation,
assignment of responsibility And documentary evidence obtained
in various stages of operation from the approval of sales and
production budget to the completion of products which are ready
for sale and shipment. Material cost can be properly controllable
using planning, purchasing, handling and accounting.
Efficient material control reduces loses and wastages of materials.
Because materials constitute a significant part of the total production and
cost of a product Material control is a planned method of determining
what to indent, so that purchasing and storing cost are minimum without
affecting production or sales.
Purchasing Control and Procedure: Purchasing is an art. Wrong
purchases increase the cost of materials, store equipments and the
finished goods. Hence it is imperative that purchases should be
effectively, efficiently and economically performed.
Methods of Purchasing : Purchasing can be broadly classified as
centralized and localized purchasing.
(a) Centralized Purchasing: In a large organization,
manufacturing units are many. In such cases centralized
purchasing is beneficial.
(b) Decentralization of Purchases: this means purchasing
separately according to the requirement s of the each
Purchase Procedure:
1. Indenting for materials(requisition from each dept)
2. Issue of tenders to suppliers
3. Placing of purchase orders
4. Inspection
5. Receiving Stores(Receipt note no)
6. Checking and passing of bills for payment
materials should serve the following purposes:
(i) To provide continuous flow of required materials, parts and
components for efficient and uninterrupted flow of production.
(ii) To minimize investment in inventories keeping in view operating
(iii) To provide for efficient store of materials so that inventories are
protected from loss by fire and theft and handling time and cost are kept
at a minimum.
(iv) To keep surplus and obsolete items to minimum.
based upon segregation of materials for selection control. It measures the
money value, i.e., cost significance of each material item in relation to
total cost and material value.
Under ABC Analysis, the materials in stock are divided into three
categories for the purpose of control. Generally it is seen that the
materials which constitute the least percentage of items in stock may
contribute to a large percentage of value and a large percentage of items
may represent a smaller percentage of value of items consumed.
Between these two items are those items, the percentage of which is
more or less equal to their value in consumption.
Items falling in the first category are treated as ‘A’ items, of the second
category as ‘B’ items and items of the third category are taken as ‘C’
items. Such an analysis of material is known as ABC analysis. This
technique of stock control is also known as stock control according to
value method or Always Better Control method or Proportional
Parts Value Analysis method. Thus, under this technique of material
control, materials are listed in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ categories in descending
order based on money value of consumption.
The logic behind this kind of analysis is that the management should
study each item of stock in terms of its usage, lead time, technical or
other problems and its relative money value in the total investment in
inventories. Under ABC analysis, the different items of stock may be
ranked in order of their average material investment or on the basis of
their annual rupee usage.
If it is convenient different items may be classified into only three
categories and labelled as A, B, and C respectively depending upon
whether they are high value items, middle value items or low value
Requisitioning for Stores:
One of the duties of the storekeeper is to send requisitions for
materials for replenishment in time so that the production is not
held up due to shortage of materials. The storekeeper should also
see that there is no unnecessary blocking of capital due to
overstocking of materials. For this he keeps a check on the re-order
level, economic ordering quantity, and the maximum and
minimum quantity which he is authorized to store in respect of
each kind of material.
Re-ordering Level : Re-ordering level is that point of level of stock
of a material where the storekeeper starts the process of initiating
purchase requisition for fresh supplies of those materials. This level is
fixed somewhere between the maximum and minimum levels in such
a way that the difference of quantity of the material between the
re-ordering level and minimum level will be sufficient to meet the
requirements of production until the fresh supply of the materials is
Economic Ordering Quantity: The quantity of material to be ordered
at one time is known as economic ordering quantity. This quantity is
fixed in such a manner as to minimize the cost of ordering and
carrying the stock. The total costs of a material usually consist of:
Total acquisition cost + total ordering cost + total carrying cost. Since
the acquisition cost per unit of material is same whatever is the
quantity purchased, it is usually excluded when deciding the quantity
of a material to be ordered at one time. The only costs to be taken
Re-ordering Level= Minimum Level + Consumption during
the time required to get the fresh delivery
Re-ordering Level= Maximum Level x Miximum re-order
care of are the ordering costs and carrying costs which vary with the
quantity ordered.
Minimum Level or Safety Stock level: The minimum level is the
minimum quantity of the material which must be maintained in
hand at all times. The quantity is fixed so that the production is
not held up due to shortage of the materials. In fixing this level,
the following factors should be considered:
1. Lead time i.e. time lag between indenting and receiving of the
material. It is the time required to replenish the supply.
2. Rate of consumption of the material during the lead time.
3. Nature of the material. Minimum level is not required in case of
a special material which is required against customer’s specific
Formula for calculating minimum level or safety stock level given
by Wheldon is as follows:
Maximum Level: It is the maximum of stock which should be held
in stock at any time during the year. The quantity is fixed so as to
avoid overstocking as it leads to the following disadvantages.
Q = 2CO
Q = Quantity to be ordered
C = Consumption of the material concerned in units during a year.
O = Cost of placing one order including the cost of receiving the
goods i.e. the cost of getting an item into the firms inventory I =
Interest payment including variable cost of storing per unit per
year i.e. holding costs of inventory.
Minimum Stock Level = Re-ordering level – (Normal
consumption x Normal Re-order period)
1. Overstocking leads to increase in working capital requirement
which could be profitable used somewhere else.
2. Overstocking will need more godown space, so more rent will
have to be paid.
3. It may also lead to obsolescence on account of overstocking.
4. There are chances that the quality of materials will deteriorate
because large stock will require more time before they are
5. There may be fear of depreciation in market values of the
overstocked materials.
According to Wheldon,
Danger Level :This level means that level of stock at which normal
issues of the material are stopped and issues are made only under
specific instructions. The purchase officer will make special
arrangements to get the materials which reach at their danger
levels so that the production may not stop due to shortage of
Average Stock Level: The average stock level is calculated by the
following formula:
Maximum Stock level = Reordering level + Re-ordering
Quantity – (Minimum consumption x Minimum re-ordering
Danger Level = Average consumption x
period for emergency purchases.
Average Stock Level = Minimum Stock Level + ½ of Re-order
Quantity. Or ½ (Minimum Stock Level + Maximum Stock Level)
1. Calculate the ordering level of material A from the following
particulars: Minimum Limit 1,000 units.
Maximum Limit 5,000 units.
Daily requirement of material 200 units.
Time required for fresh delivery 10 days.
(Answer: 3,000 units)
2. Calculate the re-ordering level from the following information:
Maximum consumption = 500 units per day
Minimum consumption = 400 units per day
Re-order period = 10 to 12 days
(Answer: 6000 units)
3. Maximum consumption = 300 units per day
Minimum consumption = 200 units per day
Re-order period = 8 to 10 days
(Answer: 3,000 units)
4. Annual Usage : 6,000 units
Cost of material per unit : Rs. 20
Cost of placing and receiving one order : Rs. 120
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10% of inventory value. Find out the
economic ordering quantity
(Answer: 849 units)
5. Given annual consumption of a material is 1800 units, ordering
costs are Rs.2 per order, Price per unit of material is 32 Paise and
storage cost are 25% per annum of stock value . Find out the
economic ordering quantity(EOQ).
6. Find out the economic ordering quantity (EOQ) from the following
Annual usage: 6000 units
Cost of material per unit: Rs. 20
Cost of Placing and receiving one order: Rs.60
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10% of inventory value.
(Answer: 600 units)
7. Annual Usage : 1,20,000 units
Cost of placing and receiving one order : Rs. 60
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10%
(Answer: 12,000 units)
8. Annual Requirement of raw material : 6,0000 units
Ordering cost : Rs.600
Opportunity cost(cost of capital) of investment Re.1 per unit.
Cost of deterioration, taxes, insurance, supervision cost Re.1 per
Calculate EOQ and number of orders to be placed and total cost of
EOQ by applying formula from the above particulars.
(Answer: 6000 units; 10 ORDERS ;Rs.12,000)
9. An industry currently is adopting and optimum purchase policy in
meeting annual inventory requirement of 100000 bags. Purchasing
price per bag is rupees 20. The cost records project that it holding
cost of 20% of original cost and repurchases cost of Rs. 500. The
supplier is providing a discount facility of rupees 0.5 % if a
purchased lot contains 10000 bags. you are asked to choose the
most economic purchase lot between the above two alternative.
(Answer: second alternative as it is costing less)
10.Calculate the Minimum stock level Maximum stock level, Average
stock level and Reordering level from the following information:
Maximum consumption= 150 units per day
Minimum consumption= 100 units per day
Normal consumption= 120 units per day
Reorder period= 10 to 15 days
Reorder quantity 1500 units
Normal period = 12 days
( Answer; Reordering level- 2,250 units; Minimum stock level- 810 units
Maximum stock level -2,750 units Avg stock level 1560 units)
11. Two components A and B are used as follows:
Normal Usage 50 units per week each
Minimum Usage 25 units per week each
Maximum usage 75 units per week each
Reorder quantity A: 300 units
B: 500 units
Reorder period A: 4 to 6 weeks
B: 2 to 4 weeks
Calculate (i) Re- order level (ii) Minimum level and Maximum level (iii) Average
stock level.
(Answer (i) A-450 units B-300 units; (ii) A-200;B-150units; A-650;B-750 units (iii) A-350;
B-400 units)
12.From the following particulars calculate (a) Re- order level(b)
Minimum level(c) Maximum level.
Normal Usage 100 units per day
Minimum Usage 60 units per day
Maximum usage 130 units per day
EOQ 5,000 units
Reorder period 25 to 30 days
(Answer: 3,900 units; 1,150 units; 7,400 units)
13. You have been asked to calculate the following levels for part No. 80 90 13
from the following information.
(a) Re-ordering level (b) Maximum level (c) Minimum level
(d)Danger level (e) Average Stock Level (f) Re- order quantity or
The Re -ordering quantity is to be calculated from the following data
1. Total cost of purchasing relating to the order= Rs. 20
2. Number of units to be produced during the year= Rs. 5000
3. Purchase price per unit including transportation cost= Rs 50
4. Annual cost of storage of one unit = Rs. 5
Lead Times
Average = 10 days
maximum= 15 days
minimum= 6 days
maximum for emergency purchase= 4 days
minimum consumption= 15 units per day
maximum consumption= 20 units per day.
(ANS: 300; 410; 125; 70; 225; 200)
14. P. Ltd. uses three types of materials A, B & C for production of X, the final product.
The relevant monthly data for the components are as given below:
Calculate for each component:
(a) Re-order level (b) Minimum level c) Maximum level (d) Average stock level
(Answer: Re-order level 900;1000;810 Minimum level 400;475;360 Maximum level
1450;1600;1350; Average stock level 775;925;720)
15. In a factory component A is used as follows:
Normal usage – 50 kg per week
Minimum usage – 25 kg per week
Maximum usage – 75 kg per week
Re-order quantity 300 kg.
Re-order period 4 to 6 weeks.
Calculate for component A:
(i) Re-order level,(ii) Maximum level.(iii) Minimum level; and(iv)
Average stock level.
(ANS: 450; 650; 200;3 50)
16. two material X and Yare used as follows: calculate Minimum level, Maximum
level, Re-order level& Average stock level
Normal usage – 100 kg per week ordering quantity: X- 600 units ; Y-
1000 Units
Minimum usage – 50 kg per week Delivery period : X – 4 to 6 ; Y-
2 to 6 weeks
Maximum usage 150 Kg per week
(Answer: 400;300, 1,300;1,500, 900;600, 700;800)
1. The following are the inventory details of Sri Mils for the month of October 2019.
Prepare Stores Ledger Account and calculate value of closing stock as per FIFO and
LIFO method
Date Transactions Units Price per
1-October Opening Stock 1100 30
7-October Purchases 700 32
15-October Issued for Consumption 600 -
16-October Purchases 500 35
20-October Issued for Consumption 1300 -
29-October Purchases 750 37
31-October Issued for Consumption 475 -
(Answer: FIFO-Value of Closing Inventory= 675 x 37 = 24,975; LIFO- Value of Closing
Inventory= 400 x 30+ 275 x 37 = 22,175)
2. From the following transaction occur in the Purchase and issue of material from the
information given below prepare the stores ledger account by adopting First in First out method
and Last in First out method.
January 2nd purchase 4000 units @ rupees 4 unit
January 20 purchase 500 units @ 5 per unit
February 5th issued 2,000 units
February 10th purchase 6000 units at the rate of 6 per unit
February 12th issued 4000 units
March 2nd issued 1000 units
March 5th issued 2,000 units
March 15th purchase 4500 units @ 5.5 unit
March 20th issued 3000 units
(Answer FIFO: value of closing stock 3000 units @ Rs.5.50=16,500
LIFO value of closing stock 14250(1500 @5=6000,[email protected]=8250)
3. .Following Transaction occurred in purchase and issue of material in an organisation
during the month of October 2014
Receipt updates Quantity rate Issued dates Quantity
4th October 200 units 24.00 per unit 5th October 250 units
10th October 150 units 23.00 per unit 12th October 200 units
18th October 100 units 24.00 per unit 25th October 250 units
22nd October 100 units 23.50 per unit
The stock as on 1st October 2014 was 200 units @ 25.00 per unit.
prepare the stores ledger account first by adopting First in First out (FIFO)method and
secondly by Last in First out (LIFO)method.
(Answer: FIFO: value of closing stock 50 units @ Rs.23.50=1,175
LIFO value of closing stock 50 units @ 25.00=1250
4. Stock in hand of material as on 1st September 2017 was 500 units at the rate of rupee
1 per unit. the following purchases and issues were subsequently made, prepare the stores
ledger account showing how the value of issue would be recorded under First in First out
(FIFO)method and secondly by Last in First out (LIFO)method.
Purchase issues
September 6 100 units at the rate of 1.10 September 9th 500 units
September 20 700 units at the rate of 1.20 September 22nd 500 units
September 27 400 units at the rate of 1.30 September 30th 500 units
October 13th 1000 units at the rate of 1.40 October 15 500 units
October 21st 500 units at the rate of 1.50 October 22nd 500 units
November 17th 400 units at the rate of 1.60 November 11th 500 units
( value of stock FIFO rupees 940; LIFO rupees 860)
5. following is a history of of the receipts and issue of material in a factory during February
issue are to be priced on the principle of First In First Out& Last In First Method the
stock verifier of the factory noted that on 15th he had found a shortage of of 5 quintals
and on 27th and other shortage of 8 quintals. February 1st opening balance
500 quintals @ 25 rupees
3rd issue 70 quintals
4th issue 100 quintals
8th issue 80 quintals
13 received from vendor 220 @ 24.50 rupees
14 refund of surplus from Work order 15 quintals @24 each
16 issue 180 quintal
20 received from vendor 240@ 24.375 rupees
24 issue 304 quintals
25 received from vendor 320 @ 24.315
26 issue 112 quintals
27 refund of surplus from work order 12 quintals @ 24.50
28 received from vendor 100 @ 25.00
(Answer: 96 @24.375=2340;320 @24.315=7780;12 @24.50=294; 100@
6.From the following transactions calculate the cost of closing inventory using FIFO
and LIFO and Weighted Average method.
Date Transactions Units Price per Unit
1 July 2019 Opening balance brought forward 2000 10
15 July 2019 Purchases 1000 15
31 July 2019 Purchases 800 11
1 August 2019 Sales 2400 -
15 August 2019 Sales 1000 -
16 August 2019 Purchases 800 15
30 August 2019 Sales 1000 -
FIFO method under perpetual and periodic inventory systems respectively:
(Answer: FIFO : Closing Inventory = 200 Units x 15 = 3,000;LIFO:Closing Inventory = 200
Units x 10 = 2,000; Weighted average method: Ending Inventory = 200 X 13.84 = 2,768)
7 Akshita limited started its business on 1st January, 2015. It purchased and used raw
material during the month of January in 2015 as follows:
1 January: Opening Stock 500 kgs @ 60 per kg
5 January: Purchased 800 kgs @ 62 per kg
10 January: Issued 600 kgs
12 January: Purchased 1,200 kgs @ 57 per kg
18 January: Issued 1000 kgs 21
January: Issued 500 kgs 25
January: Purchased 900 kgs @ 65 per kg
28 January: Issued 800 kgs
Calculate the value of closing stock according to LIFO, FIFO and Weighted
(Answer: FIFO Value of Closing Stock = 500 Units @65 per unit = 32,500:;LIFO:Closing
Inventory = 400 X 60 + 100X 65 = 30,500; Weighted average method: Ending Inventory = 500
Units @63.018 per unit = 31,509 Units @63.018 per unit = 31,509)
8.From the following details of Store receipt and issue of material in a manufacturing unit
prepare stock ledger using weighted average method of valuation:
1st November opening stock 2000 units @ 5.00 each
3rd November issue 1500 units to production
4th November receive 5400 units @ 6.00 each
8th November issued 1600 units to production
9th November return to store 100 units by Production department ( from the issue of 3rd Nov)
16th November received 2400 units @ 6.50
19th November return to supplier 200 units out of the quantity received on November 4th
21st November receive 1000 units @ 7.00
24th November issued to production 2100 units
27th November Receive 1200 units at the rate of 7.50 each
29th November issue to production 2,800 units
( use rates upto 2 decimal places)
(Answer: 3000@19,558)
Materials cost unit III
Materials: - The materials are a major part of the total cost of producing
a product and are one of the most important assets in majority of the
business enterprises. Hence the total cost of a product can be controlled
and reduced by efficiently using materials.
The materials are of two types, namely:
(i) Direct materials: The materials which can be easily identified and
attributable to the individual units being manufactured are known
as direct materials. These materials also form part of finished
products. All costs which are incurred to obtain direct materials
are known as direct material costs.
(ii) (ii) Indirect materials: Indirect materials, on the other hand, are
those materials which are of small value such as nuts, pins, screws,
etc. and do not physically form part of the finished product. Costs
associated with indirect materials are known as indirect material
Meaning of material control (EEE economy, efficiency and
Material control can be defined as a comprehensive framework for
the accounting and control of material cost designed with the
object of maintaining material supplies at a level so as to ensure a
uninterrupted production but at the same time minimising
investment of funds in material. In simple Inventory control is the
systematic control and regulation of purchase, storage and usage of
materials in such a way as to maintain an even flow of production
and at the same time avoiding excessive investment in materials
Material control is accomplished through functional organisation,
assignment of responsibility And documentary evidence obtained
in various stages of operation from the approval of sales and
production budget to the completion of products which are ready
for sale and shipment. Material cost can be properly controllable
using planning, purchasing, handling and accounting.
Efficient material control reduces loses and wastages of materials.
Because materials constitute a significant part of the total production and
cost of a product Material control is a planned method of determining
what to indent, so that purchasing and storing cost are minimum without
affecting production or sales.
Purchasing Control and Procedure: Purchasing is an art. Wrong
purchases increase the cost of materials, store equipments and the
finished goods. Hence it is imperative that purchases should be
effectively, efficiently and economically performed.
Methods of Purchasing : Purchasing can be broadly classified as
centralized and localized purchasing.
(a) Centralized Purchasing: In a large organization,
manufacturing units are many. In such cases centralized
purchasing is beneficial.
(b) Decentralization of Purchases: this means purchasing
separately according to the requirement s of the each
Purchase Procedure:
1. Indenting for materials(requisition from each dept)
2. Issue of tenders to suppliers
3. Placing of purchase orders
4. Inspection
5. Receiving Stores(Receipt note no)
6. Checking and passing of bills for payment
materials should serve the following purposes:
(i) To provide continuous flow of required materials, parts and
components for efficient and uninterrupted flow of production.
(ii) To minimize investment in inventories keeping in view operating
(iii) To provide for efficient store of materials so that inventories are
protected from loss by fire and theft and handling time and cost are kept
at a minimum.
(iv) To keep surplus and obsolete items to minimum.
based upon segregation of materials for selection control. It measures the
money value, i.e., cost significance of each material item in relation to
total cost and material value.
Under ABC Analysis, the materials in stock are divided into three
categories for the purpose of control. Generally it is seen that the
materials which constitute the least percentage of items in stock may
contribute to a large percentage of value and a large percentage of items
may represent a smaller percentage of value of items consumed.
Between these two items are those items, the percentage of which is
more or less equal to their value in consumption.
Items falling in the first category are treated as ‘A’ items, of the second
category as ‘B’ items and items of the third category are taken as ‘C’
items. Such an analysis of material is known as ABC analysis. This
technique of stock control is also known as stock control according to
value method or Always Better Control method or Proportional
Parts Value Analysis method. Thus, under this technique of material
control, materials are listed in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ categories in descending
order based on money value of consumption.
The logic behind this kind of analysis is that the management should
study each item of stock in terms of its usage, lead time, technical or
other problems and its relative money value in the total investment in
inventories. Under ABC analysis, the different items of stock may be
ranked in order of their average material investment or on the basis of
their annual rupee usage.
If it is convenient different items may be classified into only three
categories and labelled as A, B, and C respectively depending upon
whether they are high value items, middle value items or low value
Requisitioning for Stores:
One of the duties of the storekeeper is to send requisitions for
materials for replenishment in time so that the production is not
held up due to shortage of materials. The storekeeper should also
see that there is no unnecessary blocking of capital due to
overstocking of materials. For this he keeps a check on the re-order
level, economic ordering quantity, and the maximum and
minimum quantity which he is authorized to store in respect of
each kind of material.
Re-ordering Level : Re-ordering level is that point of level of stock
of a material where the storekeeper starts the process of initiating
purchase requisition for fresh supplies of those materials. This level is
fixed somewhere between the maximum and minimum levels in such
a way that the difference of quantity of the material between the re-
ordering level and minimum level will be sufficient to meet the
requirements of production until the fresh supply of the materials is
Re-ordering Level= Minimum Level + Consumption during
the time required to get the fresh delivery
Re-ordering Level= Maximum Level x Miximum re-order
Economic Ordering Quantity: The quantity of material to be ordered
at one time is known as economic ordering quantity. This quantity is
fixed in such a manner as to minimize the cost of ordering and
carrying the stock. The total costs of a material usually consist of:
Total acquisition cost + total ordering cost + total carrying cost. Since
the acquisition cost per unit of material is same whatever is the
quantity purchased, it is usually excluded when deciding the quantity
of a material to be ordered at one time. The only costs to be taken
care of are the ordering costs and carrying costs which vary with the
quantity ordered.
Q = 2CO
Q = Quantity to be ordered
C = Consumption of the material concerned in units during a year.
O = Cost of placing one order including the cost of receiving the
goods i.e. the cost of getting an item into the firms inventory I =
Interest payment including variable cost of storing per unit per
year i.e. holding costs of inventory.
Minimum Level or Safety Stock level: The minimum level is the
minimum quantity of the material which must be maintained in
hand at all times. The quantity is fixed so that the production is
not held up due to shortage of the materials. In fixing this level,
the following factors should be considered:
1. Lead time i.e. time lag between indenting and receiving of the
material. It is the time required to replenish the supply.
2. Rate of consumption of the material during the lead time.
3. Nature of the material. Minimum level is not required in case of
a special material which is required against customer’s specific
Formula for calculating minimum level or safety stock level given
by Wheldon is as follows:
Minimum Stock Level = Re-ordering level (Normal
consumption x Normal Re-order period)
Maximum Level: It is the maximum of stock which should be held
in stock at any time during the year. The quantity is fixed so as to
avoid overstocking as it leads to the following disadvantages.
1. Overstocking leads to increase in working capital requirement
which could be profitable used somewhere else.
2. Overstocking will need more godown space, so more rent will
have to be paid.
3. It may also lead to obsolescence on account of overstocking.
4. There are chances that the quality of materials will deteriorate
because large stock will require more time before they are
5. There may be fear of depreciation in market values of the
overstocked materials.
According to Wheldon,
Maximum Stock level = Reordering level + Re-ordering
Quantity (Minimum consumption x Minimum re-ordering
Danger Level :This level means that level of stock at which normal
issues of the material are stopped and issues are made only under
specific instructions. The purchase officer will make special
arrangements to get the materials which reach at their danger
levels so that the production may not stop due to shortage of
Danger Level = Average consumption x
period for emergency purchases.
Average Stock Level: The average stock level is calculated by the
following formula:
Average Stock Level = Minimum Stock Level + ½ of Re-order
Quantity. Or ½ (Minimum Stock Level + Maximum Stock Level)
1. Calculate the ordering level of material A from the following
particulars: Minimum Limit 1,000 units.
Maximum Limit 5,000 units.
Daily requirement of material 200 units.
Time required for fresh delivery 10 days.
(Answer: 3,000 units)
2. Calculate the re-ordering level from the following information:
Maximum consumption = 500 units per day
Minimum consumption = 400 units per day
Re-order period = 10 to 12 days
(Answer: 6000 units)
3. Maximum consumption = 300 units per day
Minimum consumption = 200 units per day
Re-order period = 8 to 10 days
(Answer: 3,000 units)
4. Annual Usage : 6,000 units
Cost of material per unit : Rs. 20
Cost of placing and receiving one order : Rs. 120
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10% of inventory value. Find out the
economic ordering quantity
(Answer: 849 units)
5. Given annual consumption of a material is 1800 units, ordering
costs are Rs.2 per order, Price per unit of material is 32 Paise and
storage cost are 25% per annum of stock value . Find out the
economic ordering quantity(EOQ).
6. Find out the economic ordering quantity (EOQ) from the following
Annual usage: 6000 units
Cost of material per unit: Rs. 20
Cost of Placing and receiving one order: Rs.60
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10% of inventory value.
(Answer: 600 units)
7. Annual Usage : 1,20,000 units
Cost of placing and receiving one order : Rs. 60
Annual carrying cost of one unit: 10%
(Answer: 12,000 units)
8. Annual Requirement of raw material : 6,0000 units
Ordering cost : Rs.600
Opportunity cost(cost of capital) of investment Re.1 per unit.
Cost of deterioration, taxes, insurance, supervision cost Re.1 per
Calculate EOQ and number of orders to be placed and total cost of
EOQ by applying formula from the above particulars.
(Answer: 6000 units; 10 ORDERS ;Rs.12,000)
9. An industry currently is adopting and optimum purchase policy in
meeting annual inventory requirement of 100000 bags. Purchasing
price per bag is rupees 20. The cost records project that it holding
cost of 20% of original cost and repurchases cost of Rs. 500. The
supplier is providing a discount facility of rupees 0.5 % if a
purchased lot contains 10000 bags. you are asked to choose the
most economic purchase lot between the above two alternative.
(Answer: second alternative as it is costing less)
10. Calculate the Minimum stock level Maximum stock level, Average
stock level and Reordering level from the following information:
Maximum consumption= 150 units per day
Minimum consumption= 100 units per day
Normal consumption= 120 units per day
Reorder period= 10 to 15 days
Reorder quantity 1500 units
Normal period = 12 days
( Answer; Reordering level- 2,250 units; Minimum stock level- 810 units
Maximum stock level -2,750 units Avg stock level 1560 units)
11. Two components A and B are used as follows:
Normal Usage 50 units per week each
Minimum Usage 25 units per week each
Maximum usage 75 units per week each
Reorder quantity A: 300 units
B: 500 units
Reorder period A: 4 to 6 weeks
B: 2 to 4 weeks
Calculate (i) Re- order level (ii) Minimum level and Maximum level (iii) Average
stock level.
(Answer (i) A-450 units B-300 units; (ii) A-200;B-150units; A-650;B-750 units (iii) A-350;
B-400 units)
12. From the following particulars calculate (a) Re- order level(b)
Minimum level(c) Maximum level.
Normal Usage 100 units per day
Minimum Usage 60 units per day
Maximum usage 130 units per day
EOQ 5,000 units
Reorder period 25 to 30 days
(Answer: 3,900 units; 1,150 units; 7,400 units)
13. You have been asked to calculate the following levels for part No. 80 90 13
from the following information.
(a) Re-ordering level (b) Maximum level (c) Minimum level
(d)Danger level (e) Average Stock Level (f) Re- order quantity or
The Re -ordering quantity is to be calculated from the following data
1. Total cost of purchasing relating to the order= Rs. 20
2. Number of units to be produced during the year= Rs. 5000
3. Purchase price per unit including transportation cost= Rs 50
4. Annual cost of storage of one unit = Rs. 5
Lead Times
Average = 10 days
maximum= 15 days
minimum= 6 days
maximum for emergency purchase= 4 days
minimum consumption= 15 units per day
maximum consumption= 20 units per day.
(ANS: 300; 410; 125; 70; 225; 200)
14. P. Ltd. uses three types of materials A, B & C for production of X, the final product.
The relevant monthly data for the components are as given below:
Calculate for each component:
(a) Re-order level (b) Minimum level c) Maximum level (d) Average stock level
(Answer: Re-order level 900;1000;810 Minimum level 400;475;360 Maximum level
1450;1600;1350; Average stock level 775;925;720)
15. In a factory component A is used as follows:
Normal usage 50 kg per week
Minimum usage 25 kg per week
Maximum usage 75 kg per week
Re-order quantity 300 kg.
Re-order period 4 to 6 weeks.
Calculate for component A:
(i) Re-order level,(ii) Maximum level.(iii) Minimum level; and(iv)
Average stock level.
(ANS: 450; 650; 200;3 50)
16. two material X and Yare used as follows: calculate Minimum level, Maximum
level, Re-order level& Average stock level
Normal usage 100 kg per week ordering quantity: X- 600 units ; Y-
1000 Units
Minimum usage 50 kg per week Delivery period : X 4 to 6 ; Y-
2 to 6 weeks
Maximum usage 150 Kg per week
(Answer: 400;300, 1,300;1,500, 900;600, 700;800)
1. The following are the inventory details of Sri Mils for the month of October 2019.
Prepare Stores Ledger Account and calculate value of closing stock as per FIFO and
LIFO method
Date Transactions Units Price per
1-October Opening Stock 1100 30
7-October Purchases 700 32
15-October Issued for Consumption 600 -
16-October Purchases 500 35
20-October Issued for Consumption 1300 -
29-October Purchases 750 37
31-October Issued for Consumption 475 -
(Answer: FIFO-Value of Closing Inventory= 675 x 37 = 24,975; LIFO- Value of Closing
Inventory= 400 x 30+ 275 x 37 = 22,175)
2. From the following transaction occur in the Purchase and issue of material from the
information given below prepare the stores ledger account by adopting First in First out method
and Last in First out method.
January 2nd purchase 4000 units @ rupees 4 unit
January 20 purchase 500 units @ 5 per unit
February 5th issued 2,000 units
February 10th purchase 6000 units at the rate of 6 per unit
February 12th issued 4000 units
March 2nd issued 1000 units
March 5th issued 2,000 units
March 15th purchase 4500 units @ 5.5 unit
March 20th issued 3000 units
(Answer FIFO: value of closing stock 3000 units @ Rs.5.50=16,500
LIFO value of closing stock 14250(1500 @5=6000,[email protected]=8250)
3. .Following Transaction occurred in purchase and issue of material in an organisation
during the month of October 2014
Receipt updates Quantity rate Issued dates Quantity
4th October 200 units 24.00 per unit 5th October 250 units
10th October 150 units 23.00 per unit 12th October 200 units
18th October 100 units 24.00 per unit 25th October 250 units
22nd October 100 units 23.50 per unit
The stock as on 1st October 2014 was 200 units @ 25.00 per unit.
prepare the stores ledger account first by adopting First in First out (FIFO)method and
secondly by Last in First out (LIFO)method.
(Answer: FIFO: value of closing stock 50 units @ Rs.23.50=1,175
LIFO value of closing stock 50 units @ 25.00=1250
4. Stock in hand of material as on 1st September 2017 was 500 units at the rate of rupee
1 per unit. the following purchases and issues were subsequently made, prepare the stores
ledger account showing how the value of issue would be recorded under First in First out
(FIFO)method and secondly by Last in First out (LIFO)method.
Purchase issues
September 6 100 units at the rate of 1.10 September 9th 500 units
September 20 700 units at the rate of 1.20 September 22nd 500 units
September 27 400 units at the rate of 1.30 September 30th 500 units
October 13th 1000 units at the rate of 1.40 October 15 500 units
October 21st 500 units at the rate of 1.50 October 22nd 500 units
November 17th 400 units at the rate of 1.60 November 11th 500 units
( value of stock FIFO rupees 940; LIFO rupees 860)
5. following is a history of of the receipts and issue of material in a factory during February
issue are to be priced on the principle of First In First Out& Last In First Method the
stock verifier of the factory noted that on 15th he had found a shortage of of 5 quintals
and on 27th and other shortage of 8 quintals. February 1st opening balance
500 quintals @ 25 rupees
3rd issue 70 quintals
4th issue 100 quintals
8th issue 80 quintals
13 received from vendor 220 @ 24.50 rupees
14 refund of surplus from Work order 15 quintals @24 each
16 issue 180 quintal
20 received from vendor 240@ 24.375 rupees
24 issue 304 quintals
25 received from vendor 320 @ 24.315
26 issue 112 quintals
27 refund of surplus from work order 12 quintals @ 24.50
28 received from vendor 100 @ 25.00
(Answer: 96 @24.375=2340;320 @24.315=7780;12 @24.50=294; 100@
6.From the following transactions calculate the cost of closing inventory using FIFO
and LIFO and Weighted Average method.
Date Transactions Units Price per Unit
1 July 2019 Opening balance brought forward 2000 10
15 July 2019 Purchases 1000 15
31 July 2019 Purchases 800 11
1 August 2019 Sales 2400 -
15 August 2019 Sales 1000 -
16 August 2019 Purchases 800 15
30 August 2019 Sales 1000 -
FIFO method under perpetual and periodic inventory systems respectively:
(Answer: FIFO : Closing Inventory = 200 Units x 15 = 3,000;LIFO:Closing Inventory = 200
Units x 10 = 2,000; Weighted average method: Ending Inventory = 200 X 13.84 = 2,768)
7 Akshita limited started its business on 1st January, 2015. It purchased and used raw
material during the month of January in 2015 as follows:
1 January: Opening Stock 500 kgs @ 60 per kg
5 January: Purchased 800 kgs @ 62 per kg
10 January: Issued 600 kgs
12 January: Purchased 1,200 kgs @ 57 per kg
18 January: Issued 1000 kgs 21
January: Issued 500 kgs 25
January: Purchased 900 kgs @ 65 per kg
28 January: Issued 800 kgs
Calculate the value of closing stock according to LIFO, FIFO and Weighted
(Answer: FIFO Value of Closing Stock = 500 Units @65 per unit = 32,500:;LIFO:Closing
Inventory = 400 X 60 + 100X 65 = 30,500; Weighted average method: Ending Inventory = 500
Units @63.018 per unit = 31,509 Units @63.018 per unit = 31,509)
8.From the following details of Store receipt and issue of material in a manufacturing unit
prepare stock ledger using weighted average method of valuation:
1st November opening stock 2000 units @ 5.00 each
3rd November issue 1500 units to production
4th November receive 5400 units @ 6.00 each
8th November issued 1600 units to production
9th November return to store 100 units by Production department ( from the issue of 3rd Nov)
16th November received 2400 units @ 6.50
19th November return to supplier 200 units out of the quantity received on November 4th
21st November receive 1000 units @ 7.00
24th November issued to production 2100 units
27th November Receive 1200 units at the rate of 7.50 each
29th November issue to production 2,800 units
( use rates upto 2 decimal places)
(Answer: 3000@19,558)