English and Swahili are the official languages of Uganda, however we have also
included some key phrases and language from Ganda/Luganda as it is also a widely
spoken dialect. Beyond that there are over 40 local languages and dialects, which
are too many include and often only spoken in specific local area.
A collection of useful phrases in Swahili, a Bantu language spoken in much of east
Africa by about 140 million people.
Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more
than one person), inf = informal
kiSwahili (Swahili)
Karibu (sg)
Karibuni (pl)
(General greeting)
Habari (inf)
Hujambo (sg)
Hamjambo (pl)
Sijambo (reply)
How are you?
Habari yako?
Habari gani?
Reply to 'How are you?'
What's your name?
Jina lako ni nani?
My name is ...
Jina langu ni ...
Where are you from?
Unatoka wapi?
I'm from ...
Natoka ...
Pleased to meet you
Nafurahi kukuona
Nimefurahi kukutana nawe
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Habari ya asubuhi
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Habari ya mchana
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Habari ya jioni
Good night
Usiku mwema
Lala salama (sleep well)
(Parting phrases)
Good luck
Kila la kheri!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Maisha marefu!
Have a nice day
Nakutakia siku njema!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Ufurahie chakula chako (sg)
Furahieni chakula chenu (pl)
Chakula chema
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Safari njema!
I understand
I don't understand
I don't know
Please speak more slowly
Tafadhali sema polepole
Please write it down
Waweza kuiandika?
Do you speak English?
Unazungumza Kingereza?
Do you speak Swahili?
Unazungumza Kiswahili?
Yes, a little
Ndiyo, kidogo tu
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
How do you say ... in Swahili?
Unasemaje ... kwa Kiswahili?
Excuse me
Samahani nipishe (to get past)
Samahani (to get attention or say sorry)
How much is this?
Hii ni bei gani?
Thank you
Asante sana (sg)
Asanteni (pl)
Reply to thank you
Asante kwa kushukuru
No thanks
Hapana asante
Where's the toilet?
Choo kiko wapi?
This gentleman/lady will pay for everything
Mtu huyu atalipia kila kitu
Would you like to dance with me?
Tucheze ngoma?
Utapenda kudansi?
I love you
Get well soon
Ugua pole
Usifanye hivyo!
Go away!
Nenda zako!
Leave me alone!
Call the police!
Mwite polisi!
Christmas and New Year greetings
Krismasi Njema
Heri ya krismasi
Heri ya mwaka mpya
Easter greetings
Heri ya Sikukuu ya pasaka
Birthday greetings
Swahili birthday song
Nakutakia mema katika siku yako ya kuzaliwa!
Sikukuu njema ya kuzaliwa!
Furaha katika siku yako ya kuzaliwa!
Heri katika siku yako ya kuzaliwa!
My hovercraft is full of eels
Why this phrase?
Gari langu linaloangama limejaa na mikunga
One language is never enough
Lugha moja haitoshi
Ganda or Luganda is a member of the Bantu branch of Niger-Congo languages. Around 3
million Baganda people, who live mainly in the Buganda region of Uganda, speak the
language. Ganda is also widely used elsewhere in Uganda as a second language.
The name Uganda is the Swahili version of Baganda.English and Swahili are the official
languages of Uganda, however Luganda/Ganda are also widely used
Ganda or Luganda is a member of the Bantu branch of Niger-Congo languages. Around 3 million Baga
Lugandan Greetings
In the morning you just do not say Good morning but, How was your night?
When someone comes back from a days work one will ask, how was your day? and
the same in the evening.
Good Morning: Wasuze otya nno?
Good afternoon or Good Evening: Osiibye otya nno?
Some other greetings depending on day or night as you leave or come are:
Hi: Ki kati the ‘ki’ is pronounced ‘Chi’, so ‘Chickarti’
How are you?: Oli Otya
The answer is -I am ok: Gyendi the ‘G’ is pronounced like a ‘J’
Have nice day: Siiba bulungi the ‘G is pronounced like a ‘J’
Good night when going to bed or leaving for the night: Sula bulungi
Saying goodbye to one person: Weeraba
Saying goodbye to more than one person: Mweraba
Welcome to one or several people: Tukusanyukidde
See you later: Tunaalabagana
Useful Phrases
Please: Mwattu
Thank you: Weebale
Thank you very much: Weebale Nnyo
Please come in: Mwattu yingira
Excuse me in order to get someone’s attention: Owange
Please sit down: Mwattu tuula wansi
Pardon me, what did you say?: Wangi or Ogamby Ki?
apologize by saying I am sorry: Nsonyiwa
OK: Kale
No thanks: Nedda
I do not know: Simanye
What time is it?: Sawa mmeka?
How much is it?: Mmekka Ssente?
I do not have any money: Sirina Sente
I love you: Nkwagala
I am: Nze (your name)
Madam: Nyabo
Sir: Ssebo
Other Useful Phrases
I am angry: Ndi munyiivu
I am cold: Mpulira empewo
I am full: Ndi mukkufu
I am happy: Ndi musanyufu
I am hot: Mpulira ebbugumu
I am hungry: Enjala ennuma
I am sad: Ndi munakuwavu
I am scared: Ntidde
I am sick: Ndi wulwadde
I am thirsty: Ennyonta ennuma
I am tired: Nkooye
I am worried: Ndi mweraliikirivu
What happens when you can’t understand?
Do you speak English?: Omanyi olungereza
Yes, I do: Weewawo
No, I do not: Nedda
Does anyone here speak English?: Wano waliwo amanyi olungereza?
Do you understand? Otegeera?
I understand: Ntegeera
I don’t understand: Sitegeera
Please speak slowly: Ekigambo ekyo kimpandiikire
I like: Njagala
I do not like: Saagala