Dr. Mark Mullins developed his passion
for education at a young age through
the inuence of his father who was a
teacher. Dr. Mullins took on his rst
teaching position almost 20 years ago
when he began teaching in a chemistry
class during his undergraduate studies
at Harvard University. Over the years,
he has had many opportunities to be
creative while passing on information
as an instructor and has become addicted to the thrill of
watching a mind grow.
Preparation for the role of Vice Chair for Education
has taken place throughout Dr. Mullins’ career. He has
held various leadership roles including being a teacher/
administrator for undergraduate and graduate classes
touching the career paths of several hundred students.
Dr. Mullins has been mentored by Drs. Bruce Baumgartner,
Deborah Baumgarten and Carolyn Meltzer over the past
two and a half years during his time as Director of Medical
Student Radiology Education and serving as one of the
Associate Program Directors.
The future of our residency programs will be deeply
rooted in the strong foundation that has been laid by
Drs. Baumgartner and Baumgarten. Dr. Mullins will
continue to develop the mentorship of trainees, and also
offer opportunities for residents and fellows to experience
teaching, leadership and research. Above all, he will strive
to keep the program dynamic and maintain our reputation
of producing very well-trained residents.
On a personal note, Dr. Mullins expresses that “Dr.
Baumgartner is responsible for this fantastic program and
we should all thank him for that. I am so very happy that
Bruce will remain part of the team. He has been such a
great friend and mentor.
Dr. Baumgartner believes that
when residents complete our
program they are prepared to
go anywhere and be comfort-
able and condent in any set-
ting, be it private practice or
academic. He has certainly left
his mark upon the program
and he hopes to see the de-
velopment of a strong alumni
program in the future. Dr.
Baumgartner will continue to
be involved with the resident
activities and is certain that
Dr. Mark Mullins will carryon
the evolution of the program.
Passing the Torch
year, educational seminars such
as Grand Rounds and Noon
Conference have been added to
the curriculum. These accomplish-
ments have taken place during a
time when Radiology residency
programs have become more
competitive. While building the
reputation of having one of the
strongest programs in the country,
Dr. Baumgartner has personally
interviewed more than 1000 ap-
plicants for our program. In addi-
tion to the visible changes, added
responsibilities of verifying compli-
ance with new ABR, ACGME and
other regulations and the amount
of paperwork associated with
credentialing the program has also
grown substantially. Dr. Baumgart-
ner commented that, “This is a big
job that keeps getting bigger.
In 1996 the Department reorgani-
zation created a structure for Dr.
Baumgartner to take on addi-
tional administrative duties as Vice
Chair for Education. In this role,
he orchestrated the continuing
transformation of the program to
accommodate for new technolo-
gies, new requirements and new
opportunities for the residents.
During this time, he also imple-
mented the original gathering of
residency goals and objectives for
each subspecialty.
Dr. Baumgartner has inuenced
the careers of 228 residents in the
Emory Residency Program during
his time as director. He reects,
“It is all about the residents. The
opportunity to inuence so many
of today’s successful radiologists is
quite rewarding. It is very satisfy-
ing to realize that the advances
made in our program will stimu-
late the future advances of our
The residency program has grown
with the advancing technologies
and increasing volume of patients.
After 15 years of fostering the
growth of the Radiology Residen-
cy Program, Dr. Bruce Baumgart-
ner passed the torch to Dr. Mark
Mullins on March 1, 2008. As
Dr. Baumgartner steps down as
the Vice Chair for Education, we
reect upon his career and ef-
fects he has had on the residency
Dr. Baumgartner rst came to
Emory as a medical student and
#2 in his
class -
Magna Cum
Laude. He
then spent
time at the
sity of Utah,
where he
an intern-
ship and
in internal
He re-
turned to Emory as a radiology
resident and after completing the
program, he accepted a faculty
position here, making Atlanta and
Emory his home.
Realizing how much he enjoyed
sharing his knowledge with oth-
ers; Dr. Baumgartner accepted
administrative responsibility for
the program and became the
rst Associate Director of the
Residency Program, in 1989. This
position gave him the chance to
enhance the educational oppor-
tunities for the residents, and was
followed by his appointment as
Director in 1993.
During Dr. Baumgartner’s time
as Director, the program has
undergone substantial growth.
Not only has the program ex-
panded to accept 14 residents a
Dr. Bruce Baumgartner
has continually advanced
the residency program
during his 15 years
as Director.
- Monica Salama, Communications Specialist
Letter from the Chair
Dear Colleagues,
Following a long, challenging
period of somber hopefulness
and lots of hard work on the
part of many, the prospects for
new life for Grady Memorial
Hospital is look highly
promising. Now, both the
Fulton County and DeKalb
County Commissioners
have endorsed Grady’s
reorganization into a 501(c)(3)
not-for-prot institution. This
signals the beginning of a
restructuring that we hope
will meaningfully enhance both
care delivery and training at
Grady in the days and years to
Beginning March 1, Bruce
Baumgartner, MD, our
Vice Chair for Education
and Diagnostic Residency
Program Director, will pass
these roles and titles to Mark
Mullins, MD, PhD. Bruce has
left such a huge mark on
the educational programs of
Emory Radiology; however,
we were condent that
Mark is ready take the reins
and grateful that Bruce
will continue to share his
expertise by serving as a
senior advisor.
I wish to extend a heartfelt
thank you to all who helped
our wonderful education
team by participating in the
recent ACGME site review of
our residency and fellowship
training programs. All went
I’m very pleased that Dr.
James Provenzale has joined
our department’s research
faculty. Dr. Provenzale, who
also serves as Chief of
Neuroradiology at Duke
University, will split his time
between Emory and Duke
through a unique joint
institutional arrangement.
His interdisciplinary
molecular imaging work with
colleagues in Radiology, the
Winship Cancer Institute, and
Georgia Tech is already off to
a running start.
Please mark your calendars
for the University-wide rollout
celebration of the Center for
Systems Imaging on April 2!
Best to all,
Carolyn C. Meltzer, MD, FACR
Chair of Radiology
Murray Baron, MD
Professor of Radiology
NASCI Gold Medal Award
The North American Society for Cardiac Imaging (NASCI)
has awarded Dr. Baron the Gold Medal Award. The very rst
NASCI Gold Medal Award was given in 2002. Recipients
of this honor are chosen because of their signicant
contributions to the cardiovascular imaging eld. Dr. Baron
demonstrated outstanding dedication and motivation.
Congratulations on this prestigious achievement.
The Emory Clinic (TEC)
Accreditation by the American College of
Radiology (ACR)
The Emory Clinic Ultrasound Departments located at WCI &
MOT have been awarded a three-year term of accreditation
in OB, General Diagnostics, Vascular and Gynecological
Imaging as a result of a recent survey by the ACR.
This achievement validates the level of service provided by
Imaging Services at Emory. Evidence of precision with each
modality, coupled with the expertise of performing and
reading the scans is evaluated by the ACR panel.
As of March 1, 2008, several major insurance companies
have begun to require ACR certication to allow patients to
receive payment for services. In turn, the accreditation may
create a greater demand for the services offered at Emory.
Tercia Wertz and Chris Kubic have done an exceptional
job in managing this project at the MOT and TEC locations.
Other members contributing to this success are Bobby
Burrow, and Drs. William Small and Chad Holder. Habib
Tannir, Administrative Director of Imaging Services, adds his
personal appreciation for the dedication of this team during
this time when accreditation is critical.
Patrick Gonzales
Medical Student (Year 2)
Best Research Project
Patrick Gonzales, working with John Oshinski,
PhD and Brandon Fornwalt, was awarded
Best Poster at the Medical Student Research
Day. The title of his research project was,
“Quantication of Left Ventricular Internal Flow
from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.
Imaging Services Leadership
Survey Success Story of the Month
The EHC Announcements acknowledged radiology
leadership for the steps that have been taken within the
department to recognize staff for a job well done.
Sites of the Semester
Each semester the students of the Medical Imaging Program
select the sites that have provided an exceptional learning
experience. This semester the following locations have
received the corresponding honor:
Outpatient Sites of the semester: Executive Park and 1525
Inpatient Site of the semester: Wesley Woods
CT site of the semester: Emory University Hospital CT
On Friday, December 14,
2007, the Medical Imaging
Program held the rst
induction ceremony of
the Georgia Sigma Theta
Chapter of Lambda Nu, the
national academic honor
society of the Radiologic and
Imaging Sciences. Lambda
Nu’s name is derived from
the lower case Greek
characters in the formula
which represents the physics
of the inverse relationship
between wavelength ( )
and frequency (v), an
essential parameter across
the diversity of modalities
comprising the professions.
The purpose of the Lambda
Nu Chapter is to:
1) promote academic
scholarship at the highest
academic levels
2) promote research and
investigation in the
radiologic and imaging
3) recognize and encourage
scholastic achievement
and excellence.
Membership in Lambda Nu
is achieved by merit with
students, faculty members
and clinical instructors who
meet specic criteria invited
to join. Barbara Peck, RT
(R)(QM), clinical coordinator
of the Medical Imaging
Program and Lambda Nu
Chapter Director, inducted
the following individuals into
the chapter:
Faculty Membership
Randolph F. Bethea
Matthew R. Dunn
Dawn Couch Moore
Alumni Membership
Theodore A. Brzinski
Christian Elliott
• First representation of Emory at the
technical exhibit RSNA
A fantastic showing of Emory Radiology
academic at the RSNA academic
Knowledge and Information
We overhauled our Website
We have completed signicant design
work on the Radnet radiology
information system
Financial Strength
• Installed a new MRI in WCI
• Continued our growth in overall volumes
and contribution margins.
• Started the new service at
EUH-Northlake. Special thanks go to
Richard Wright and Jane Goldberg.
We have a full plate in the next six months
as we tackle the change over to the new
Radiology Information system, more
construction, new faculty recruits and lay
the ground for a new
PACS. I appreciate all the
hard work that each one
of you is putting in. I am
proud to be serving this
organization with you.
- Habib Tannir,
Administrative Director of
Imaging Services
Six-month Accomplishments
Once every six months, I use this forum to
report our department’s accomplishments.
This is a challenging task because I have to
compile a short list of the many projects
that were completed over that period,
some of which took several months and
in some case several years to realize.
However, completing this exercise gives
me a great sense of pride in our team of
researchers, clinicians and staff who work
to advance the human condition. The
following are some highlights:
People and the Workplace
• Radiology and Mammography in 1525
were in the top ten areas meeting our
Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction
Goals for helpfulness on the phone and
information about waits and delays.
• Radiology was one of the most
improved departments in employee
engagement survey results.
We nished a phase in the renovation
project in the ground oor of EUH
reclaiming the original lm library.
We launched the LEAN project in
Interventional Neuroradiology.
ACR designated EUH Breast Imaging
Center as a Center of Excellence
• Received ACR certication for CT in
• Received ACR certication for WCI
and MOT
Lambda Nu
Honor Society
Student Membership
Stephen A. Beauchamp
Nicole Janine Chin
Janelle Burnette Ferguson
Rebekah Ann Finck
Lori Ciani
Martin S. Han
Melissa Brooke Horner
Laura Diane Hunlock
Matthew Brian Jones
Dawn Shuty Prentice
Heather N. Smith
Rebecca Leigh Smith
Kristi Lynn Stephens
The following individuals
were also installed as the
ofcers of the society:
- Stephen Beauchamp
Vice President
- Janelle Ferguson
- Nicole Chin
- Rebekah Finck
The friends and
family members of
the newly inducted
members of the
Georgia Sigma Theta
Chapter enjoyed a reception
following the ceremony.
- Dawn Moore
Director, Medical Imaging Program
Inductees celebrate the introduction of the Georgia
Sigma Theta Chapter of Lambda Nu.
Radiology Moving Forward
The Working Group on Peer Review
of the NIH Advisory Committee to
the Director (ACD) Feb. 21 presented
draft recommendations for enhancing
the NIH peer review system to the full
ACD. The ACD accepted the working
group’s recommendations and will
present a written report to NIH Director
Elias Zerhouni, M.D., on Feb. 29. Dr.
Zerhouni announced that he will form an
implementation team and report back to
the ACD in 4-6 weeks on implementation
details and timelines.
The working group’s recommendations
follow extensive consultation with
stakeholder communities, including the
extramural community, advocacy groups,
professional societies, and NIH staff,
to collect input and ideas. The panel
was co-chaired by Keith Yamamoto,
Ph.D., Executive Vice Dean, University
of California San Fransisco School of
Medicine, and Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S.,
NIH Advisory Committee Proposes Major Changes in NIH Peer Review System
- Habib Tannir, MS
Administrative Director of Imaging Services
Ph.D., Director, National Institute of Dental
and Craniofacial Research.
Among the most controversial of the
Working Group’s proposals is a minimum
percent effort on NIH-funded research
project grants. Principal Investigators (PIs)
would be required to devote at least 20
percent effort, unless they can provide
an explicit justication to the relevant
institute or center (IC) for a lower percent
effort. Other recommendations include
allowing peer review groups to provide
a “not recommended for resubmission”
decision option, providing ratings for all
applications, and eliminating amended
application status by considering all
applications as being “new.The group
also urged a revision to the peer review
rating system so that it focuses on impact,
investigator(s), innovation, plan, and
environment (including information on
institutional support for the applicant). To
support new investigators, the working
group recommended that NIH:
* continue to fund more R01 grants for
early career investigators;
* consider the merits of reviewing early
career investigators separately to
enhance innovation and risk-taking by
applicants; and
* consider the merits of ranking early
career investigators against each other.
The working group urged NIH to examine
salary support for PIs, “recognizing the
diversity of business models employed by
applicant organizations.The panel also
urged NIH to analyze its contribution
to the optimal biomedical workforce by
evaluating the total number of graduate
students and postdoctoral fellows being
supported, and to develop a census of
research associates/staff scientists as an
initial step towards exploring approaches
to providing more stable support for these
Tony Mazzaschi, Senior Associate Vice President
AAMC Division of Biomedical and Health Sciences
Dale Walker will be forming
that team and leading it.
Clinical Operations at ECLH,
EUH and TEC (Section 58)
will be lead by Assistant
Directors Mike Armstrong,
Jane Goldberg and Jane Vitali
respectively. The professional
practice (TEC Section 8)
will continue to be lead by
Chuck Powell. Chuck is a
tremendous asset to our
department as he is playing
a key role in navigating our
department’s professional
practice through these times
of growth and transition. The
departmental informatics
will continue to be led by
Mo Salama. Mo is leading
the monumental effort of
changing out our Radiology
Information System and PACS
and is working closely with IS
on getting this accomplished.
The revenue cycle functions
of the department are
headed by Marcus Foster,
Senior Manager for Revenue
Cycle Management. Those
functions include precert,
coding, TES and denial
management. Marcus’ role is
expanded to include those
functions for our two Clinic
sections, hospital IVR coding
and Grady operations. The
departmental functions of
accounting, nancial analysis
and dashboard development
will be consolidated under
Dan MacFarlane who has
been promoted to Director
of Decision Support. Dan’s
role spans the Clinic and
the Hospitals. Finally, our
departmental nance and
operations in the school
of medicine will be lead by
Vivian Smith who has been
promoted to Associate
Administrator. Below is
an organizational chart of
the departmental senior
leadership team. Please join
me in congratulating each
one of these remarkable
individuals on their new and
expanded roles.
Our department has
experienced signicant growth
over the last few years. In
any organization that reaches
a critical mass, functional
specialization becomes
necessary to sustain growth
while keeping a high standard
of performance. Similarly, our
department needs to work
along its strategic initiatives
while maintaining focus on
patient care delivery. To that
end, we will dedicate a small
team of people that will work
on new construction and
start ups, patient satisfaction,
employee engagement,
quality in professional and
technical services, and
other organizational and
departmental initiatives.
Reading Room Coordinators have
their ngers on the pulse of the
department. As the human link
As the Radiology Department grows within the Emory Healthcare system, knowing who your team members are and what they
do becomes increasingly important. Each month there will be a feature to highlight a person or group within the department to
strengthen understanding of how we work together and help us to learn more about each other.
Reading Room Coordinators
Inez Craft
Nuclear Medicine
Reading Room Coordinator
Emory University Hospital
Judith Graham
Emory Midtown
Reading Room Coordinator
Lyn Coram
Interventional Radiology
Reading Room Coordinator
Emory University Hospital
Wangail Assamewnew
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Reading Room Coordinator
Emory University
Hospital (EUH)
Michael Buadoo
Body Reading Room
Emory University Hospital
Dexter Bostic
Chest Reading Room
The Emory Clinic (TEC)
Emory University Hospital
Sara Zingarelli
Reading Room Coordinator
Emory University Hospital
Delno JG, Fornwalt BK, Eisner RL, Leon AR, Oshinski JN. Determination of transmural, endocardial, and epicardial radial strain and
strain rate from phase contrast MR velocity data. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2008 Jan 24; [Epub ahead of print] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Delno JG, Johnson KR, Eisner RL, Eder S, Leon AR, Oshinski JN. Three-directional Myocardial Phase-Contrast Tissue Velocity MR
Imaging with Navigator-Echo Gating: In Vivo and in Vitro Study.Radiology. 2008 Jan 25; [Epub ahead of print] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Fornwalt BK, Cummings RM, Arita T, Delno JG, Fyfe DA, Campbell RM, Strieper MJ, Oshinski JN, Frias PA. Acute Pacing-Induced
Dyssynchronous Activation of the Left Ventricle Creates Systolic Dyssynchrony with Preserved Diastolic Synchrony. J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol. 2008 Feb 4; [Epub ahead of print] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18266678?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.
Pisano ED, Hendrick R, Yaffe MJ, Baum JK, Suddhasatta A, Cormack, JB, Hanna LA, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Bassett LW, D’Orsi CJ.
Diagnostic accuracy of digital versus lm mammography: Exploratory analysis of selected population subgroups in DMIST. Radiology
246: 376-383, 2008. http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/abstract/246/2/376
Taylor A, Garcia EV, Binongo JNG, Manatunga A, Halkar R, Folks RD, Dubovsky EV. Diagnostic performance of an
expert system for interpretation of Tc-99m MAG3 scans in suspected renal obstruction. J Nucl Med 2008;49:216-
224. http://jnm.snmjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/49/2/216
Zheng QY, Ding D, Yu H, Salvi RJ, Johnson KR. A locus on distal chromosome 10 (ahl4) affecting age-related
hearing loss in A/J mice.Neurobiol Aging. 2008 Feb 13; [Epub ahead of print] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
between the patient and radiologist,
they play a vital role in the workow
of the department.
This team is strategically placed
throughout the department at multiple
campuses to assist in gathering patient
information, verifying that all scans are
accounted for in their respective reading
rooms and guaranteeing that 100% of
patient exam forms are given to the
radiologists on a daily basis.
They also manage the status of the
radiologists in the ACR RAD Peer system
to ensure that each radiologist maintains
his/her quality metrics.
This short list only scrapes the surface
of the multitasking that is required of a
person in this position.
- Monica Salama
Communications Specialist
Radiologicial Society
Dr. Mary Newell, Assistant
Director of Breast Imaging, is
also the Education Chair for the
Georgia Radiologicial Society
(GRS). She urges all members to
be on the lookout for this year’s
GRS annual meeting brochure,
which will provide information
to register for the event, June
5-8 in Hilton Head, South
Carolina. Dr. Newell encourages
everyone to attend the meeting,
and also extends the invitation
to radiology residents. The GRS
will be happy to sponsor two
radiology residents from Emory
this year. The two available spots
are on a rst-come, rst-served
basis. Any resident interested in
attending, please contact
Dr. Newell at 404-778-4446.
Dr. Deborah Baumgarten, along
with Dr. Amy Chen from ENT and
nephrologist Dr. Arlene Chapman,
were selected to attended the three-
day seminar hosted by the AAMC
Mid Career Women’s Faculty Seminar
in Scottsdale, Arizona in December.
This seminar focused on sharpening
organizational skills, optimizing
negotiations for organizational change
and strengthening leadership roles.
held the
4th annual
“Emory Women in Radiology” gathering
Dr. Kathleen Gundry, Breast Imaging, organized
and provided a 16-hour CME Breast Imaging
refresher course for the Virginia Radiology
Associates in Manassas, Va. in Nov, 2007. Dr.
Gundry covered all aspects of breast imaging
including mammographic ndings, breast
pathology, MRI, ultrasound, breast procedures,
breast cancer staging and treatment, male breast
diseases and quality assurance. The feedback was
very positive and was recognized with record
high scores on the participant evaluations.
at her home. All of the female radiology
faculty, residents and fellows were invited
to attend.
An evening of good food and conversa-
tion in a relaxed atmosphere was had by
all. Be on the lookout for an invitation to
next year’s meeting.
- Kathleen Gundry, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Emory Women in Radiology
To better support cross-
disciplinary collaborative
advantages across Winship
Cancer Institute, Radiology
and Biomedical Engineering,
the monthly Cancer Imaging
Seminar Series was established
by the Emory Molecular and
Translational Imaging Center
(EMTIC). First, it reects
Emory’s expanded commitment
to cancer imaging research
and to its mission as one
of the nation’s strongest
cancer imaging centers in the
Southeast. Providing continued
basic education for oncologists,
radiologists and researchers
from other disciplines
throughout the health sciences,
is heavily emphasized in
education. Establishing a Cancer
Imaging Seminar Series of this
caliber will also help stimulate
interdisciplinary activity.
The series will provide a forum
for preeminent investigators
from across the nation to come
and share their discoveries and
challenges from clinical trials
and preclinical research, and will
encourage Emory/Georgia Tech
scientists to form collaborative
groups and exchange ideas.
Through a lecture series offered
by EMTIC, investigators from
the bench to the bedside who
have common research interests
will come together each month,
helping to facilitate preclinical/
translational/clinical research.
Topics range from molecular
events in cancer to clinical
imaging for a variety of tumors.
To the scientic and medical
community, research in Cancer
Imaging represents a future
of tumor detection before
symptoms appear, therapeutic
efcacy that is measured in
hours instead of months and
life-saving drugs tailored to a
patient’s genetic make-up. These
talks will have a broad appeal
that will draw audiences from a
wide variety of disciplines.
- Hyunsuk Shim, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiology,
and Hemotology/Oncology
Introducing the
Cancer Imaging Seminar Series
Sharpening Skills Leading Education
Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) Seminar
April 3
6:30 - 8: 00 p.m.
Emory Crawford Long Hospital
- Glenn Building Auditorium -
Join Emory Interventional Radiologists for a presentation
on a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that helps
to relieve the pain, symptoms and stress caused by uterine
broids. A question and answer session will follow the
If you are interested in attending the presentation or would
like more information, please call HealthConnections at
March 2008
Thursdays, 1:30 p.m.
Emory University Hospital Annex
1st Floor - Room N120
March 6 - Puneet Sharma, PhD
& Diego Martin, MD, PhD
~ Emory University ~
Contrast Enhanced Liver MRI: Optimization of
the critical arterial perfusion phase acquisition
March 13 - Brandon Fornwalt, MD, PhD
& Jana Delno, PhD
~ Emory University ~
MRI Quantication of Left Ventricular Internal Flow
March 20 - Andrew Taylor, MD
& Jiequong Bao, MS
~ Emory University ~
Renal obstruction: Statistical methods for
measuring agreement between expert readers
and an expert system.
March 27 - James R. Galt, PhD
~ Emory University ~
In-vivo assay of folate receptors of non-functioning
pituitary adenomas with Tc99m-Folate SPECT/CT
Radiology Research
Visit www.radiology.emory.edu/events-and-lectures for up-to-date event information.
Thursday, May 15th
Atlanta Symphony Hall
7:00 pm-7:30 p.m. ~ Pre-concert lecture
by ASO Insider and Program Annotator Kenneth Meltzer
7:30-8:00 p.m. ~ Radiology Mix and Mingle in the Alcove
8:00 p.m. ~ Performance
Featuring ~
Laura Jackson, Conductor
Sarah Chang, Violin
Performing ~
PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 1, “Classical”
BRUCH: Violin Concerto No.1
DVORAK: Symphony No.6
The popular and dynamic conductor Laura Jackson - formerly
an ASO Conducting Fellow - returns in a program of melodic
ingenuity. Prokoev’s elegant “Classical” Symphony, Dvorák’s
harmonious 6th Symphony and Bruch’s lyrical violin concerto,
with the enchanting Ms. Chang, combine for an unforgettable
Seat location options and ticket prices including Emory
Radiology discount, tax and handling:
$25 Main Orchestra
$18 Rear Orchestra
Please contact RUSSELL WHEELER
at (404) 733-4807 or
russell.wheeler@woodruffcenter.org to purchase. Mention
Emory Radiology Night to receive the discount.
Offer not valid at box ofce.
The Emory Center for Systems Imaging (CSI) will
celebrate its opening with a public event featuring
keynote addresses by two renowned experts in
imaging sciences. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres
will also be served.
The scientic program will feature a keynote
address by Stanford University’s Sanjiv Gambhir, MD
PhD, a radiologist and bioengineer, and one of the
nation’s eminent scholars in molecular imaging. In
addition Mark Henkelman, PhD, senior scientist at
the University of Toronto will discuss his pioneering
work combining imaging and genomics. Both
talks will be followed by a reception providing an
opportunity for faculty, students and staff to meet
the speakers.
Emory Center for Systems Imaging (CSI)
Launches with Renowned Radiology
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
5 - 7 p.m.
Emory School of Medicine Building
Room 130
James Provenzale, MD
Acting Professor of Radiology
Dr. James Provenzale has joined the research efforts
of Emory Radiology and will also continue to devote
half his time to responsibilities at Duke University. His
research efforts will include innovative applications
of nanotechnology to cancer imaging research with
colleagues at the Winship Cancer Institute and
Georgia Tech.
Dr. Provenzale is nationally and internationally
recognized for his many literature contributions to translational
neuroimaging methods and clinical practice. Dr. Provenzale received
his medical degree from Albany Medical College, and trained in both
neurology and radiology subsequently at the University of North
Carolina and Massachusetts General Hospital, respectively, with later
advanced training in neuroradiology. Dr. Provenzale has served as Chief
of the Division of Neuroradiology at Duke University Medical Center for
the past 11 years. He has been recognized for his contributions to the
medical community through many awards, including being named one of
America’s Top Doctors for Cancer in 2005.
Alaina Shapiro
Communications Coordinator
Alaina Shapiro will be assisting Monica Salama
and Laura Padgett with various elements of their
communications, event and recruitment duties.
This new role will include the responsibilities of
contributing to the Rad Report, playing a part in
the organization of conferences, aiding with the
candidates and distributing important materials.
As a recent Georgia State University graduate, Alaina has
demonstrated a strong interest and personal experience with the
communications and healthcare professions. Alaina is also a 10-year
cancer survivor who can personally attribute to experiencing
Emory Radiology rst hand.
Season Lewis
Human Resources Associate
Season Lewis has joined the Department of
Radiology, Human Resources (HR) team, working
with Cayce Kump as they strive to streamline the
radiology HR processes. Season will be acting as a
HR generalist working closely with the new recruits
and current faculty and staff. Season has made a
positive impact within the department and will
continue to evolve in this exciting new position.
Season has worked for Emory University for three years. She has
experience working as a Benets Specialist, where the Radiology
Department was one of her many clients. Previous to her experience
at Emory University, she worked at the GA Department of
Human Resources for ve years and specialized in Organizational
Development. Season is currently seeking her BS in Information
Technology at Georgia Southern University.
Tahitia Alston
Patient Services Associate
Tahitia Alston recently joined Emory as a scheduler
for the Department of Radiology. Before coming
to Atlanta, she lived and worked in Buford, South
Carolina. Tahitia was a pre-certied coordinator
at Buford Memorial Hopspital. She is currently
undergoing training in the cardiothoracic division.
Eric Toney, EUH
Registered Nurse II
Eric Toney is a contributing member of the
interventional radiology team here at Emory. Prior to
joining the radiology department, he gained experience
through 12 years of assisting in surgery, a year and a
half in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and four
years working with the adult ICU. Outside of work, Eric
enjoys coaching his local little league basketball team.
Jana Delno, PhD
Post Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Delno has been a student in the joint BME
program between Emory and Georgia Tech for the past
ve years. She recently earned her PhD in Biomedical
Engineering. In 2002, she obtained her BS in Biological
and Agricultural Engineering from the University of
California at Davis. Her main area of focus at Emory
consists of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Research.
Deborah Baumgarten, MD, MPH
Associate Program Director
Dr. Baumgarten joined Emory in 1995 and continues
to play an active role in department affairs, leadership
roles nationally, on editorial boards of several
journals and consistently receives awards for
reviewing. Dr. Baumgarten teaches residents, medical
and PA students, and was honored with the award
Emory Radiology Teacher of the Year 1997 and 2004.
Michael Geuerzon
Radiology Technologist II, Executive Park
Michael Geuerzon contributes to the Diagnostic
Radiology area and has extensive experience as a
Practicing Registered Nurse (PRN). He obtained his
BS in Radiologic Sciences at Armstrong Atlantic State
University and a BA in Mass Communications from
Louisiana State
University. Michael is also a member
of the Alpha Eta Honor Society of Allied Health.
Marie D. Adema-Salomon
Technologist Aide
Marie Adema-Salmon joined the Emory team at the
end of January as a tech-aide for the Breast Imaging
Center located in the Winship Cancer Institute
Building. She is a much needed addition to the “Breast
Imaging Family” and is eager to meet others in the
department. Marie relocated to Atlanta from Tampa,
Florida. While in Tampa, she was a medical assistant.
Nicole Allen-Canty
Patient Services Associate
Nicole Allen-Canty has recently relocated from
Maryland, where she gained experience as a
scheduler in the shock trauma division of the
Emergency Department at the University of
Maryland Medical Center. She will now be using
her skills as a scheduler to contribute to
Emory Radiology Department.